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Thanks Andras, Michel and Christian for inputs, now spellchecker is working
But chart issue still exists.
As patch has been pushed to 5.0.2 RC1 on gerrit.
checked on gerrit and there this patch's corresponding project is core and
branch is 5.0
I tried to build using source code from
git clone
tried with with branches 5-0 then and
In all my builds chart crash issue exists.
In which branch can I get the patched version?

Thanks & Regards,

On September 8, 2015 at 7:44 PM Michael Meeks <>
Hi Madhura,

On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 18:15 +0530, Madhura Ravindra Palsule wrote:
My OS version is Win 7.
trying to build using a patch updated.
Ok ? you mean a patched version of some kind ? I've just pushed a patch
to gerrit to fix your chart issue in 5.0.2 RC1

Struggling with spellcheck, unable to add dictionaries in build (tried
using flag --with-external-dict-dir = libo-core/dictionsries/en and
--with-myspell-dicts= libo-core/dictionsries/en ) But no use, giving
same output. No dictionary is copied to installed folder\extension
How to include dictionaries form source in resulting msi?
I guess Andras may have some ideas how to help you there - he'd be more
of an expert for that.

Incidentally - if CDAC are using LibreOffice, would they be interested
in a long term supported version from Collabora for Windows ? I'm always
on the look-out for promising new customers :-) by buying LibreOffice
from Collabora you help to fund LibreOffice's development.

All the best,


-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity & Hacker
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