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On 09/11/2015 12:34 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:
        Good question; it may well be guaranteed - but - seemingly I saw this
code-path continue; perhaps this is an artifact of the debugger under

        has some more details; but I'd swear to not having pressed ignore in my
cases either so ... ;->

   So, like Coverity, I fail to
see how that line can ever be reached (and bAbortFired, of automatic
storage during in OpenGLWatchdogThread::execute, ever be true).

        =) well, me too - was gob-smacked etc. of course, in the ideal world
this is true; perhaps I was just gotcha'd by the debugging environment.

But I doubt we want to make our code base more capricious than necessary, to shield us from behavior exhibited by the Windows debugging environment.

        Then again - during our abort handling - we spend a lot of time
creating GUI dialogs and so on on the main thread (which is by now this
one) - that could easily also wedge / lock-up ;-) that's particularly
true wrt. the problem of getting the solar-mutex; my hope is that the
abort handler is good with dropping that.

        Which thread would you expect the signal to be delivered to (I wonder)
- it's all a bit interesting I suspect.

The case should be pretty clear for a synchronous, std::abort-generated SIGABRT (hopefully even on Windows).

        My hope was that the watchdog would carry on working in these cases &
kill us again more aggressively if necessary if people insist on
ignoring these guys.

But how should it do that? Even if the SIGABRT-handling were done on another thread, the watchdog thread just couldn't progress past the std::abort() (notwithstanding cheating in a debugging environment).

really wanted to do is make bAbortFired static, and set it to true
/before/ calling std::abort()?

        I guess we could launch another watchdog thread in this case (if indeed
we believe the that std::abort never returns ;-) in which case making
that static would be useful indeed. Would love to see a patch like that.

So there's only a single instance of the watchdog thread supposed to ever run. The odd "static bool bFired" in OpenGLWatchdogThrad::execute had fooled me to assume otherwise (for why else should the variable have static storage duration).

Anyway, generalizing that "watchdog the OpenGLWatchdogThread, in case our signal handler gets stuck" idea obviously leads to a "watchdog our signal handler, in case it gets stuck" feature, i.e., spawn a thread early in our signal handler (assuming spawning an additional thread doesn't make our violation of what a signal handler is supposed to be allowed to do any worse), which will call _exit after a fixed amount of time. The question just is, what is a reasonable value for that amount of time. Make it too short, and you'll prevent recovery of documents that take long to save and for which our document recovery would otherwise have happened to work fine.

And the true route ahead of course is to no longer put our document recovery strategy at the mercy of a brittle, undefined-behavior--riddled signal handler.


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