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* Present:
    + Caolan, Sophie, Stephan, Christian, Michael M, Kendy, Jacobo, Miklos, Eike,
      Norbert, Robinson, Kendy, Muthu, Bjoern, Lionel (late)
* Completed Action Items:
    + give Mark Hung commit access & mail him (Norbert)
    + have a look at revert notification (author + committer + the person who reverted) (Norbert)
        [ still not done. but, fyi. in 2015 so far there have been 150 reverts
        79 of these were self-revert.
        These involved 43 original author
        and 21 'reverter'.
        of the 71 that were not self-revert, 40 or so where revert involving core dev
        on both side.. that should be talking to each other already.
        That leave us with ~4 revert a month involving non core dev bein reverted.
        Analyzing the data I also found a problem:
            commit da0a44b415f630ce39617b8c8f0c366177a7705e
            Author: Andras Timar <>
            Date:   Sat May 23 14:26:27 2015 +0200
            tdf#91429 do not convert ooxml preset shape modifier values
            Revert "Resolves: #i124703# adapt coordinate range from ms relative..."
            This reverts commit c764a3d978beb2e6197a8d3f7df53d81ebf72467.
            The reverted commit did not fix anything in LibreOffice in the
            first place. The document referenced in #i124703# is as good
            without the patch as with it. But it caused a regression.
        The original author of da0a44b415f630ce39617b8c8f0c366177a7705e
        was Armin Le Grand, surely we do not want to send automated 'beware of revert' email in 
that case :-)
        So, all in all, I now think that it is not worth the aggravation, the extra load and the 
risk of mishap.
        And that we should stick to a social rule: notify the relevant parties when reverting.
        => please be polite when you revert & notify the person ]
    + 'make -k stagingcheck' prototype (Bjoern)
        [ just like subsequent-tests, but for unstable tests, a holding-ground
          for not perfectly stable tests; first write tests & then fix it etc. 
          Known-probably failing tests etc.]
    + re-arrange the help XML for the menu changes (Jay)
        [ committed the first help fix yesterday evening.
          Review & encouragement appreciated: nice work Jay !
    + promote Development Mentoring Lead Job Offer through all channels: Universities, Companies, 
Clubs, ex-GSoCers etc. (all)
        [ need more applicants, help appreciated pwrt. finding experienced candidates.
          application period is theoretically over. ]
* Pending Action Items:
    + look at 'make check' failures on win32 again if interested (Michael S)
    + have a look at the CppUnit to implement 'expected failure' (Jan-Marek)
        [ investigated the current CPPUNIT version and Qt test suite,
          will be able to hack on that the next week @DebCamp.
          was busy at the conference. ]
    + review Giuseppe's webdav work in gerrit (Kendy/?)
        [ Merged a couple of patches (Michael) ]
    + UserAgent - drop bundled-languages (Michael)
    + UserAgent - produce a patch for review (Michael)
    + add a conditional to disable google wearable bits for freedroid (Cloph)
    + ask students to write their own wrap-ups to aggregate (Cedric)
    + rename blocker -> very-critical (Robinson)
        [ several pieces to update; waiting for patch ]
    + restrict access to very-critical-ity (Robinson)
        [ testing patch - eager to do it all at once ].
    + create new queries for MAB-like bits for each release (Robinson)
        + failing that a description of the problem & sample queries.
        [ have some queries they don't act the same way as before
            + that's not-resolved high-priority bugs in 5.0 -> the new MAB.
AI: + find & reward / promote whomever did the 1000'th (Robinson)
* Release Engineering update (Robinson)
    + 4.4.6 (last of the 4.4.x line) - status
        + RC1 - week 40 (week starting 28th September)
    + 5.0.2 - RC1 - freeze Thursday
            + plan to tag soon.
            + some translations cut off
                + Rene provided his logs, this complains about non-matching tags, but
                  the XML seems OK. He'll try with LO included tool chain to double-check 
                        + ? Rene to use patch to use lo-shipped components to build l10ntools
                        + closed.
        + Late OpenGL Status (Michael)
             + loads of bugs fixed this week:
                 losts contexts, threading issues, driver crashes,
                 white-listing / black-listing
                 => Windows 7+ and v. new GL drivers.
             + has been merged as a late feature
AI:              + write up some blog / blurb on it (Michael)
             + huge number of stability & completeness fixes in the last days;
               cf. tracker bug:
             + couple more fixes coming in last-minute
             + lots of testing & fixing expected for RC2 
                + please test (your default) settings with 5.0.2 RC1
                  <how to test added later>:
                    + does it turn on GL rendering ? (check help-about for XXX-GL)
                    + turn it on and have a go; but lower prio. for black-listed bits.
                  </added later etc. ;->
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + nothing new.
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + Upstreaming elementary theme -- tdf#92458, lp#1483914 (Bjoern)
        + Xubuntu are using a home-grown theme.
          shipped as a separate package; has its own repo.
          like to push that into our repo & fold them in.
             + some filter-branch magic to get it moved around etc.
             + asked for MPLv2; if not (but not ideal) add a custom license file.
    + does anyone have objections to commit access for this specific
      bit to maintainers ?
         => just give the right few guys accounts (Bjoern)
    + no meetings for the holiday period
    + talked about templates:
         + didn't sort the wheat from chaff yet
         + encouraged Jay to push the best bits to master, and iterate there.
* Documentation (Olivier/Kendy)
    + move to flat ODT progress / filter issues ? (Michael)
        + Regina asked if it's possible to maintain help source as ODF
           + flat-odf - so filters can be used off-line
               + an easy win.
        + already have the filters; if anyone wants to do that: go for it.
* Crashtest update (Caolán)
    + 1 import failures, 1 export failures, 5 coverity warnings
      + updated test cases, 1 new import failure, fixed
      + one old test case odb export failure, not reprodicible
      + new coverity warnings all fixed
    + all looking good on fuzzing ?
      + went through hanging docs on the week-long fuzzing run.
      + escher issues peaked
      + docs. that are hanging in drawinglayer now
          + performance bottlenecks in drawinglayer.
             + endless sub-division (Michael)
      + had a run-in with polygon sub-divider: (Caolan)
          + dashed 19km straight-line
          + might want to re-visit the 1st attempt;
             + pushing the size of view-port all the way down.
      + writing an Excel loader next.
* GSoC (Cedric)
    + Failure rate of students this year.
        + Initially 12 students
            + 1x failed at mid-term
            + Another failed at final.
            + Almost another fail at final.
            + Kendy on vacation last week
                + but reasonably ok with the outcome.
        + concerning - the last 2x troublesome ones:
            + were returning students -> so we messed up selection ?
        + we expect students to be self motivated & responsive.
    + Hopefully we'll have more TDF mentoring B/W next year (Michael)
    + mentor summit: Cedric & Moggi confirmed going.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Aarhus LibreOffice conference bits ?
        + Hackfest topic: "C++11 in LibreOffice"
        + look into easy, easy C++11 EasyHacks for that
            + like Stephans "init list ctors for UNO-Sequences", or
              using type-alias etc.
            + !!!please file easy hacks if you have ideas!!! (Bjoern)
    + Hamburg, Germany: Oct 23rd -> 25th
        + would be great to see everyone there.
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Belgium another candidate ...
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + nothing new.
* Conference (Sophie)
    + looking great; hope to have a programme by Monday.
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + pending / shelved for now - wait 1 week.
* Jenkins update (Norbert
    from:Thu Aug 27 14:04:44 2015
    master linux rel  jobs:223 ok:209 ko:13 fail  ratio:5.82%  break:7 broken  duration:3.22%
    master linux dbg  jobs:128 ok:110 ko:10 fail  ratio:7.81%  break:6 broken  duration:7.47%
    master mac rel    jobs:207 ok:196 ko:11 fail  ratio:5.31%  break:6 broken  duration:4.14%
    master mac dbg    jobs:194 ok:181 ko:13 fail  ratio:6.7%   break:6 broken  duration:12.52%
    master win rel    jobs:80  ok:39  ko:41 fail  ratio:51.24% break:8 broken  duration:60.66%
    master win dbg    jobs:150 ok:88  ko:62 fail  ratio:41.33% break:13 broken duration:54.82%
    master win64 dbg  jobs:144 ok:56  ko:88 fail  ratio:61.11% break:11 broken duration:62.2%
    lo-4.4 mac        jobs:20  ok:14  ko:6 fail   ratio:29.99% break:4 broken  duration:19.94%
    gerrit win rel    jobs:331 ok:137 ko:193 fail ratio:58.3%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs:336 ok:278 ko:58 fail  ratio:17.26%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs:335 ok:260 ko:73 fail  ratio:21.79%
    gerrit all        jobs:364 ok:125 ko:237 fail ratio:65.1%
        + Windows terrible last week. 50-60% broken.
            + translates to gerrit
            + some of them infra problems; lots of time while 
        + painful to trigger a new build when infra fails (Michael)
            + use the 'rebase' button to do that (Norbert) - just push it.
        + new H/W is in-place, and more coming.
            + if people push something that breaks -> it breaks master.
AI:     + advertise that verification is now much faster (Norbert)
        + was awesome overnight: (Michael)
        + the new build times should look like (Norbert)
            + 30-40mins for Windows
            + mac / linux 5-7 mins gerrit
            + some Mac builders up to 1:30 with bad cache
        + 2x other Linux machines coming soon.
            + see Norbert's forthcoming talk in Arhus for more ...
* Perf-testing update ? (Norbert)
    + git://
    + now collecting make perfcheck result ... no graph yet
    + still some work needed to improve the web front-end
    + talk to Markus - wrt. how to do it.
        + do a unit-test & trigger a valgrind dump around a specific section.
        + can give nice narrow measurement - without drowning in cost of configmgr.
* new landing page website
       + intented to present in one page all the tdf online-resource related
         to libreoffice development.
    + patch welcome. devcentral.git under gerrit.
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to:
        + Michael Meeks x2
    + create your own by setting whiteboard to eg.
            "easyHack difficultyBeginner skillCpp topicCleanup"
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 524
        + growing backlog ATM
    + needAdvice at 15
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
            + can we remove 'UNCONFIRMED' too ? (Michael)
              + ( we can, but UNCONFIRMED/highest begs for triage attention.. )
        + tdf#92478 - Scanning crashes on 64bit Windows 10 build
            + gentle nudge
        + tdf#93600 - Condition Formatting: Entering "=" in comparison value crashes program
            + fixed it & merged to -5-0 thanks to Bubli
        + tdf#91882 - UI: Dialogue for Advanced filter is transparent.
            [ horrific idle loop -> fixed & in -5-0 (Michael) ]
* Bibisected regressions (Bjoern)
    + tagged the rendercontext specific ones to the tracker
        + 8 currently open to fix.
* QA stats
    +178    -94        (+84 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Maxim Monastirsky     22
        Michael Meeks          7
        tommy27                6
        raal                   6
        Timur                  5
        Vasily Melenchuk       3
        Julien Nabet           3
        Xisco Faulí            2
        Björn Michaelsen       2
        Beluga                 2
        Samuel Mehrbrodt       2
        m.a.riosv              2
        Yousuf (Jay) Philips   2
        Alex Thurgood          2
        Miklos Vajna           1
* Open 5.0 MAB
  + 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 2/12 2/12 3/12 5/11
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 10/60 11/60 11/60 11/60 11/60 10/60 10/60 10/60 10/60 12/60 14/61 16/61
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 59/168 59/168 59/168 59/168 61/168 61/168 61/168 62/168 62/168 64/169 65/169
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 344/1028 345/1020 338/1006 328/991 314/964 309/956 311/951 305/936
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 624(+8) bugs open of 4158(+21) total 38(-2) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 17 (+1)
                Writer -  9 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  5 (-2)
               Impress -  4 (-1)
                    UI -  1 (+0)
   filters and storage -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 210 (+2)
                  Calc - 126 (+2)
               Impress - 46 (-1)
               Crashes - 43 (+0)
           LibreOffice - 37 (-1)
                    UI - 38 (+1)
                  Base - 26 (+0)
        graphics stack - 25 (+1)
               Borders - 22 (-1)
                  Draw - 21 (+0)
   filters and storage - 12 (-1)
                 Chart - 11 (+0)
Printing and PDF export- 10 (+0)
                 BASIC -  7 (+0)
        Formula Editor -  5 (+1)
             framework -  5 (+0)
            Linguistic -  4 (+0)
            Extensions -  2 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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