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On 08/30/2015 12:24 PM, Anurag Ghosh wrote:
I'm sorry if this is considered as spam here. It would be great if
someone could help me here with the issues, also, any feedback on my
library would be very helpful.

The code base can be found at (If anyone could skim
through the code base once and suggest improvements, that would be

Your library needs to find an existing LO installation, for one to re-use files from that installation (e.g., obtaining the path to LO's offapi.rdb in your src/detail/libre_api/libre_functions.cpp), for another to potentially start a background soffice process from your library (in case you don't always want to require clients of your library to manually start "soffice --accept=..." first). Doing these things manually is very brittle.

However, there are already at least two ways to do something like that:

* The "simplified bootstrap" features provided by the SDK: see <> and <>

* LibreOfficeKit: see libreofficekit/README in the LO source tree (or does anybody know about more detailed documentation about it?)


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