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* Present:
    + Cedric, Christian, Eike, Caolan, Michael M, Andras, Norbert, Robinson,
      Bubli, Thorsten, Sophie, Noel, Michael S
* Completed Action Items:
    + come up with a fun new name for 'blocker' (Robinson)
        + suggestions: 'worstest', 'black hole', 'ultimate'
            + concerned about the name 'blocker' (Michael)
AI:         + come back with some more sensible names (Robinson)
    + check 'make check' on a Windows 32bit box instead (Norbert)
        [ new windows machine turned up, now building dbgutil for mac.
          every time try to 'make check' on Windows - it fails
          have capacity to run it if it will run. ]
AI:       look at make check on win32 again if interested ? (Michael S)
* Pending Action Items:
    + have a look at the CppUnit to implement 'expected failure' (Jan-Marek)
        [ investigated the current CPPUNIT version and Qt test suite,
          will be able to hack on that the next week @DebCamp ]
    + 'make -k stagingcheck' prototype (Bjoern)
    + have a look at revert notification (author + committer + the person who reverted) (Norbert)
    + review Giuseppe's webdav work in gerrit (Kendy/?)
        [ Merged a couple of patches (Michael) ]
    + re-arrange the help XML for the menu changes (Jay)
        [ Jay was away for vacation, promised to have a look at
          HelpAuthoring.oxt over the weekend (Kendy) ]
    + UserAgent - drop bundled-languages (Michael)
    + UserAgent - produce a patch for review (Michael)
    + promote Development Mentoring Lead Job Offer through all channels: Universities, Companies, 
Clubs, ex-GSoCers etc. (all)
        [ need more applicants, help appreciated pwrt. finding experienced candidates ]
    + create under-the-hood wiki page to accumulate for 5.1 (DTardon)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 4.4.6 - status
        + RC1 - week 40 (week starting 28th September)
        + last of the 4.4 line
    + 5.0.1 - RC2
        + tagged today or tomorrow by Robinson
            + 3x patches waiting in gerrit currently.
            + 2x only need 1x extra review.
        + heavy-duty triple-review process for libreoffice-5-0-1 branch
        + Major bugs
            + scanning crashes on 64bit Windows build (Cloph)
                + selecting a train source crashes on 64bit Windows, but no
                  such issue in 32bit Windows -> not fixed for 5.0.1
            + some translations cut off
                + not related to help untraslated though
                + caused by obsolete strings mixed into the file, not
                  at the end.
                     + this has solved the problem for TDF.
                + some toolchain problem with some Linux distros (Rene?)
                     + German help -> front-page is not translated eg. (Cloph)
                     + easy to spot if it's an issue.
                + perhaps some po syntax errors tooling doesn't like.
        + 5.0 project being set up in pootle
              + translators mostly focusing on 5.0 project.
              + if completion rate is high - can also translate master.
        + Late Feature Status (Michael)
              + OpenGL / double-buffer RenderContext (Kendy)
                  + still ongoing (Miklos)
                      + let's see what's the state at the next week's ESC (Kendy)
                  + OpenGL by default to be re-visit @ ESC for 5.0.2 for some H/W on Windows.
                      + tripple review needed - re-visit it later.
                  + lots of fixing going on.
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + question from freedroid guys on closed-source deps (Thorsten)
            + don't think we're using any (Cloph)
            + will re-send mail (wrt. google-play wearable bits) (Cloph)
               + the watch bits.
AI:         + need a conditional to disable this for freedroid (Cloph)
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + Kendy on vacation.
* Documentation (Olivier)
    + move to flat ODT progress / filter issues ?
* Crashtest update (Caolán)
    + 1 import failures, 3 export failures, 1 coverity warnings
       + all fixed again
       + coverity - false positive.
       + crash-testing - a single issue.
    + a new file-format loading app to LibreOffice
       + fftester ~1000x faster than fat app.
          + much fast fuzzing finding lots of hangs
            (few crashers)
          + hard to see the trajectory yet; will try to
            time gaps between discoveries.
* GSoC (Cedric/Thorsten)
    + Next important dates:
        + Evaluations starting tomorrow
        + Aug. 28: final evaluations deadline
        + Time to start writing wrapup blog post
AI:         + ask students to write their own wrap-ups to aggregate (Cedric)
               => get that re-blogged by Google.
        + mentor summit: Cedric & Moggi confirmed going.
    + conference travel - poking the students now (Cedric)
        + 4 students will definitely go, 2x other potentials.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Aarhus LibreOffice conference bits ?
        + Hackfest topic: "C++11 in LibreOffice"
        + look into easy, easy C++11 EasyHacks for that
            + like Stephans "init list ctors for UNO-Sequences", or
              using type-alias etc.
            + !!!please file easy hacks if you have ideas!!! (Bjoern)
    + Hamburg, Germany: Oct 23rd -> 25th
        + would be great to see everyone there.
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Belgium another candidate ...
    + seems there was a Japanese hackfest (Thorsten)
        + anybody has details?
            + something on priv. marketing list (Sophie)
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + nothing of major note.
* New Committers (Bubli)
    + Vasily Melenchuk
        -> added.
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + pending / shelved for now - wait 3 weeks.
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
    + Numbers not unusual: plenty of win breakage still.
    from:Thu Aug 13 14:02:09 2015
    master linux rel  jobs:152 ok:147 ko:4  fail ratio:2.63%  break:4  broken duration:1.42%
    master linux dbg  jobs:103 ok:99  ko:4  fail ratio:3.88%  break:4  broken duration:3.39%
    master mac rel    jobs:145 ok:145 ko:0  fail ratio:0%     break:0  broken duration:0%
    master mac dbg    jobs:147 ok:146 ko:1  fail ratio:0.68%  break:1  broken duration:2.65%
    master win rel    jobs:65  ok:49  ko:16 fail ratio:24.61% break:10 broken duration:26.34%
    master win dbg    jobs:83  ok:64  ko:19 fail ratio:22.89% break:11 broken duration:14.94%
    master win64 dbg  jobs:86  ok:74  ko:12 fail ratio:13.95% break:6  broken duration:7.27%
    lo-4.4 mac        jobs:13  ok:13  ko:0  fail ratio:0%     break:0  broken duration:0%
    gerrit win rel    jobs:258 ok:181 ko:74 fail ratio:28.68%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs:263 ok:246 ko:17 fail ratio:6.46%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs:264 ok:250 ko:14 fail ratio:5.3%
    gerrit all        jobs:258 ok:175 ko:80 fail ratio:31%
    + New TB for windows, and another in the next few days.
        + with that have H/W for new stuff.
    + Plan to try to enable make check on win32 when we can.
    + Try to absorb capacity to get gerrit builds to do more
      than the release build.
        + do make check / dbgutil builds too.
    + Some new machines to do Linux builds
    + plan to move crashtest to new boxes to separate that
        + free up old box for sysadmin / clustering.
* Perf-testing (Norbert)
    + have a 'make perfcheck' target - with some nice callgrind bits
        + added a jenkins target to generate that data.
        + page with 1x data-point so far.
    + existing callgrind perf-testing died early June (Michael)
        + can't see the data to download
        + significant writer perf. regression here:
        + moggi noticed & pinged Bjoern already (Norbert)
* 4.3 MABs - what's the plan with them ? (Robinson)
    + Re-check and prioritize -> will be priotized.
AI: + get new queries for MAB-like bits for each release (Robinson)
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to:
        + Markus Mohrhard
    + create your own by setting whiteboard to eg.
            "easyHack difficultyBeginner skillCpp topicCleanup"
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 465
    + needAdvice at 15
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#91882 - UI: Dialogue for Advanced filter is transparent.
            + persists with 5.x builds
                => will take a look (Michael)
        + tdf#93437 - Once the Function Wizard has been Displayed, it is not Possible to Select
                      Columns or Rows or to Open the Context Menu of Columns and Rows
            + regression
            + Have patches -> will test (Bubli working on it)
                + VclPtr - modeless dialog never destructed.
                + looks like previously we hid and kept them around (Bubli)
                    + now we destroy them (?) - v. unclear.
    + Other Interesting Bugs:
        + tdf#40534 - slide tearing in LARGE screens with hardware acceleration enabled
            + old bug, but keep getting duplicates
                + not a regression
            + tiling gets enabled on large screens ? (Michael)
                + sometimes OS lies wrt. max supported texture size (Thorsten)
                    + something missing in this case; bad with 4k screens.
                + usual fix to blacklist the driver.
                + or we could white-list things.
* QA stats
    +147    -114        (+33 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Maxim Monastirsky     18
        V Stuart Foote        12
        tommy27                7
        Adolfo Jayme           7
        Matthew Francis        6
        Cor Nouws              6
        m.a.riosv              6
        Eike Rathke            5
        Alex Thurgood          5
        Miklos Vajna           5
        Timur                  4
        Stephan Bergmann       3
        Jean-Baptiste Faure    3
        Joel Madero            3
        Caolán McNamara        2
* Open 5.0 MAB
  + 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 2/12 2/12 3/12 5/11 6/12 5/11
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 11/60 11/60 11/60 10/60 10/60 10/60 10/60 12/60 14/61 16/61 17/61
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 59/168 59/168 61/168 61/168 61/168 62/168 62/168 64/169 65/169 72/169
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 338/1006 328/991 314/964 309/956 311/951 305/936 305/931 310/925 310/921
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 611(-1) bugs open of 4112(+14) total 42 high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 17 (+0)
                Writer -  9 (-1)
           LibreOffice -  7 (+0)
               Impress -  5 (+0)
                  Draw -  1 (+1)
                    UI -  1 (+0)
   filters and storage -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 207 (-2)
                  Calc - 119 (+2)
               Impress - 48 (-1)
                    UI - 41 (+2)
               Crashes - 41 (-2)
           LibreOffice - 37 (-1)
                  Base - 26 (+3)
        graphics stack - 24 (+0)
               Borders - 23 (+0)
                  Draw - 21 (+1)
   filters and storage - 13 (+1)
                 Chart - 10 (-1)
Printing and PDF export- 10 (+0)
                 BASIC -  7 (-1)
             framework -  5 (+0)
            Linguistic -  4 (+0)
        Formula Editor -  4 (+0)
            Extensions -  2 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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