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Hi Oliver,

Oliver Brinzing schrieb:
Hi Regina,

do you have a problem with OpenGL ?

 > warn:vcl.opengl:1112:364:vcl/source/opengl/OpenGLContext.cxx:1279:
 > wglMakeCurrent failed: 0

I think so. I have opened the test file "media_embedding.odp", which is 
used in the failed test, in a current daily.
Build-ID: c614e711136205252ac2c72f9772c718dafc471e
TinderBox: Win-x86@62-merge-TDF, Branch:MASTER,
Time: 2015-08-12_20:36:06
Gebietsschema: de-DE (de_DE)]

When I check "Use OpenGL for all rendering", then I get a blue duck and trying to show the presentation or to play the media object makes LO hang. When I uncheck that option, I get a yellow duck, which seems to be the surrogate picture.
When I run soffice.exe from the build application in folder instdir with 
"Use OpenGL" unchecked, and try to open the test file, LO crashes 
immediately, same for "Use OpenGL" checked.
I've got a ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics with driver-package It lists OpenGL-Version
Kind regards


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