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Hi all,

In ESC conference call on Jul 30th [1]
a question I was asked was if there is anything that works with --with-webdav=neon,
but not with --with-webdav.

WebDAV: switch to Serf? (Michael S./Giuseppe C.)
+ is there anything that works with --with-webdav=neon, but not with --with-webdav=serf (Kendy/Norbert)

This is a list I compiled looking at the code enabled with alternative
--with-webdav= value.

WebDAV methods  --with-webdav=neon      --with-webdav=serf

PROPFIND,       y                       y
PROPPATCH,      y                       y
MKCOL,          y                       y
GET,            y                       y
HEAD,           y                       y
POST,           y                       y
DELETE,         y (DESTROY)             y (DESTROY)
PUT,            y                       y
COPY,           y                       y
MOVE,           y                       y
LOCK,           y                       n (wrote myself [2])
UNLOCK          y                       n (wrote myself [2])

Http 1.1 methods declared emun in LO API [3], but not implemented.

OPTIONS,        N                       N
TRACE,          N                       N
CONNECT,        N                       N
PATCH,          N                       N

Of these the only one I think we will need is OPTIONS, to check about
what methods the WebDAV server has available, and in case of some
server what special WebDAV behavior is available or should be taken
into account.

Other observations.
Serf vers. 1.2.1 currently in LO lack NTLM (Windows) authorization.
Vers. 1.3.8, last available, has it.
Serf uses OpenSSL, Zip, apr and apr-util libraries.
Starting from V. 1.3.0 serf uses scons build system, not configure/make.
Http 2.0 is not supported.

What I can do, if some testing is desired in LO:
have LO compile with serf 1.3.8 to test the behavior in Windos, as well as
to add in LO the lock/unlock in serf version.
Currently I cannot build it, cannot link. I asked the list [4] a few days ago, didn't press the matter though.

Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno
Acca Esse
giuseppe.castagno at

[3] [4]


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