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On 08/02/2015 09:51 AM, julien2412 wrote:
Concerning getFiles refactoring, I'm trying to change some idl files, see

I don't know what to change for not having this error:
interface type direct mandatory base #1
changed from to

That's by design. ;) Published UNOIDL must never be changed incompatibly, so we have some mechanism built in to check that during the build.

If there /is/ good reason to change published UNOIDL incompatibly:

* Discuss somewhere visibly (e.g., here) why an incompatible change is indeed the best choice.

* Flag the commit message with "[API CHANGE]".

* Document the incompatible change in the release notes in the Wiki.

* To get the built-time compatibility check to succeed, manually fix up ukdapi/type_reference/udkapi.idl and/or offapi/type_reference/offapi.idl.


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