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Hi *,

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Pedro <> wrote:
I'm trying to backtrace a bug under Windows and I get an error because
As people already asked multiple times:
The problem was sorted out already by Beluga in private mail.

No, that URL is not down. It is intentional (and documented in the
corresponding wiki page) that the symbols are not web-browsable.

The symbol server covers all distributed TDF-provided builds also
starting with 4.2.0 rc1 for 32bit and since also 64bit

distributed = stuff that ends up on the mirror network and is part of
the release schedule, (alpha, beta, rc) - but not tinderbox provided
daily builds.

There is a windows tinderbox that also provides symbols for the last 5
builds it did ( ) - but
that requires a different symbol server URL (also explained in the



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