Week 1: worked on 1. tdf#90888 <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90888>:Shrink the properties sidebar sections in Calc - https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/15935/ (STATUS:MERGED) 2. tdf#87862 <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87862>: Rearranging the lower half of slide transition tab - https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/15999/ (STATUS:MERGED) 3.Started writing some test code for adding shadow section to the sidebar- #87702. (STATUS:PRELIMINARY STAGE) 4.Tried reducing the height of line section #89543 but some controls are cropped off so a change in the design was considered. (STATUS:NEEDSINFO) Week 2: 1.worked on improving the selection analyzer - the area section doesn't pop up when a line is selected.(STATUS:COMPLETED) 2.work on line section. Decided to submit it in 3 commits - commit #1 : modification in the .ui file and hiding some controls. commit #2 : line controls should be disabled when the none entry is selected. commit #3 : Addition of sliders next to the spin fields. (STATUS:COMPLETED) 3.Added enable contour and edit contour buttons to the WrapPropertyPanel in writer. But the new controls introduced a bug. (fixing it). 4.Work on shadow section - Controls are working fine from the shadow tab but the shadow attributes are not updated in the shadow tab when the values are changed in the parent dialog. Work in progress. 5.Work on #90295 - minor tweaks are needed before the change can be committed.(STATUS:COMPLETED) 6.Work on #87813- SIDEBAR: Incorporating the effects list into the animation tab - started out with writing some test code but the work was stopped due to the need of a better design. (STATUS:NEEDSINFO) Found 2 probable bugs: 1. Sidebar Area transparency spin field increases more than 100% . (Fix submitted) 2. incoherence between Keep ratio checkbox in the Position and size sidebar tab and the modeless dialog. (dismissed as a feature).