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On 01/06/15 17:59, Nathan Yee wrote:
This is the week 1 progress report of the GSoC bug "Reuse Mozilla's
rolling update mechanism for LibreOffice":

Just chucking a minor wrench into the works ... I hope this has been
thought about but ... will (all) users be happy with rolling updates, in
particular on the database side.

There's some interesting debate on lwn in the recent article on the new
PostgreSQL release, and it points out that there's a wide choice of
browsers, so if Firefox breaks, users can always use Chrome, or
Konqueror, or whatever.

What alternatives are there to LibreOffice, should we accidentally roll
out a broken version? I know MS regularly ship broken updates, but we
don't want to bring a business to a halt because a bug in, say, Writer,
means that LO is effectively unusable ... ?

(I'm currently feeling this pain - I haven't got round to fixing
MySQL/MariaDB, which has busted my email setup - due I believe to an
upgrade ... :-(

This update mechanism needs to be EASY to enable/disable, not hidden in
a filing cabinet over on Alpha Centauri behind a message warning of
leopards ...



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