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* Present:
     Sophie, Cloph, Michael M, Stephan, Eike, Miklos, Bjoern, Kendy,
     Markus, Andras, Robinson, Muthu, Thorsten, Jan-Marek, Caolan,
* Completed Action Items:
* Pending Action Items:
    + please file an Easy-Hack this week: just a bug with whiteboard: (All)
            "EasyHack DifficultyBeginner SkillCpp TopicCleanup"
        + thanks to: David, Markus
    + make sure to create a new openid if you are using the Google openID (all)
        [ still need to get this done ! ]
    + poke Mathiew wrt. Windows / locking bug & revert if no response (Michael S)
        [ waiting for Michael - who is on vacation ]
    + if you have photos from ESC meetings during LibOCon, please send them to Sophie
    + clear old patches rotting on gerrrit (all),n,z
        [ link to patches that are older than 6 weeks.
          Abandoning gets them off the list - but you can always re-vitalize them.
AI:       Rescue your patch now - or have it abandoned for you by next week (Bjoern) ]
* GSoC (missing)
    + student application period: March 16 to March 27th
    + looks like a good number of student applications
        + gone through the names briefly (Kendy)
        + quite a few returning students: nice ! (Bjoern)
        + calc - re-factoring God objects - may be hard (Markus)
            + ScDocument is used to hide much of the core from the rest.
            + currently ScDocument is the abstraction.
            + could we turn it into generic re-factoring (Kendy)
                + mess around pixels, twips, mapmode nastiness.
    + Wiki page for tasks:
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.4.2 RC2 status
         + tagged today, windows build still running, Mac & Linux up-loaded to
           the pre-release server
         + buildfix1 tag as well.
             + missing test doc. caused a build to fail.
    + 4.3.7 RC1 April 7th or so
         + 2x weeks out.
    + 5.0.0 ? (ono) - 1st Alpha release - April 13th
         + week after 4.3.7
         + marketing / version-number survey in progress ...
    + Windows 64 bit story ? (Stephan)
         + targetting this for Alpha 1 with Norbert (Cloph)
    + Android & iOS Remote
         + Android - promoted to production;
           now supports watches ...
AI:      + poke Italo wrt. new shiny thing (Cloph)
* Crashtest update (Markus / Caolán)
    + using old officeotron
        + will be fixed with the run starting tomorrow
        + part of restoring the VM on new H/W
            + this should nail a number of bogus OOXML errors.
        + well worth having the latest version yourself.
    + regression around xls export crashes
        + jumped recently from 5 to 130.
    + still need to get asan working again
        + something of a space issue currently.
        + need for ubsan?
            + it does find problems (Stephan)
                + would be useful to have it there.
                + have some notes on settting it up:
    + import side looks good - thanks to Caolan.
* Writer SwClient/SwModify refactoring (Bjoern)
    + have you talked to Michael S ? (Michael)
        + not yet.
    + Horrible SwIterators ...
        + pokes into the internals of listeners etc.
        + would be great to get rid of; what is listening to what ?
        + didn't see before.
    + The broadcaster/listener relations for writer tables are rather bottom-up:
        e.g. a SwTable is listening on a SwTableFrm etc.
        this means the _model_ is listening to the view (partially)
        assumption: this is the root cause for a lot of writer table bug pain
        + How to cope with/fix that?
            + tempted to slowly try to un-tangle the mess.
            + does indeed sound insane (Miklos)
                + good idea to build with Clang; SAL_OVERRIDE etc.
* Las Palmas hack-fest update (Stephan)
    + hoped for more enthusiasm from students etc.
        + seven students, with no C++ experience.
        + not a great recruitment experience.
        + mostly a Java background (Markus)
    + contact with the uni. busy - mid semester (Thorsten)
        + good to have people on the ground.
        + got interested people from a Google coding group
        + ideal to pick locations with a strong C++ / tech comp. sci focus.
    + on the plus side was great to meet in person & hack together (Thorsten)
    + lots of unis switching to Java / Python (Markus)
        + even Karlsruhe - bit of C for embedded, but no C++ anymore
        + 2x applicants for the Haskell C++ bridge (Stephan)
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Cambridge, UK - May 2015 - contact (Michael)
            + 21st -> 23rd May confirmed. Thur / Fri / Sat.
            + Cambridge Beer Festival overlap / Punting Excursion planned etc.
AI:      + poke about students (Michael)
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + even more breeze icons - even more complete (wow)
         + plan to switch the fallback instead of from breeze -> Sifr
             + from Sifr -> Breeze
         + quite a minimalistic theme; but with colour highlights.
         + Kubuntu encouraged back-porting Breeze to next Ubuntu (Bjoern)
         + Should we make Breeze default for Windows 10 ? (decided not to yet)
    + finalized CMIS mockup based on feedback
         + otherwise ready for GSOC impl.
    + blog about insert->special character item
    + this Friday, discuss the shapes sidebar
         + some big changes in how draw is organized,
           more like a normal drawing / diagramming app.
    + good to get this stuff better advertised.
    + nice article about LibreOffice in CT - 10x pages (Bjoern)
         + 4x pages on extensions - "best extensions" foo
         + worth examining those:
            + should they be core features / default behaviors ?
            + can we get a list of them on the design list (Kendy)
AI:              + send to the list (Bjoern)
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + nothing new.
* Committers
    + Henry Castro - ok to commit to tiled-editing
* LibreOffice Online
    + new 'online' repository ... work ongoing there.
* VclPtr<T> - template build perf. (Michael)
    + product vs. non-product for builds - to avoid in-lining problems
        + have the headers in C++ files anyway (Stephan)
        + concerned wrt. splitting it out - weird behaviors (Bjoern)
            + in the beginning nice, but have reservations.
            + same code in both places (Michael)
                + concerned wrt. the toggle.
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
    + looked at last year's commits; perhaps a few people.
    + propose Thorsten for the Committee (Michael)
        + say once a week "nothing done" (Bjoern)
        => appoint Thorsten.
    + perhaps a community person too ? (Bjoern)
        + wait for a volunteer from the ESC (Michael)
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
    + jenkins:
    + lcov:
    + goals for passing builds (Bjoern)
        + wondered - if we should keep an eye and see if they
          move in a bad direction.
        + numbers - ~10% of master builds fail on Linux.
             + a bit too low/bad (?)
             + not too bad for the newcomer hopefully,
               not a time-to-fix
        + ideally we'd have our fabled portal (Michael)
             + how much work for Norbert to gen the numbers ? (Bjoern)
        * re-visit with Norbert.
* QA (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 287
        + an historic low.
    + needAdvice at 11
    + Bibisect: 44max ready, 45max repo close
        + mjayfrancis doing great work here.
        + these repos include builds for every commit
          (with some exceptions) on the release branches
            + 7Gb or less for each of these.
        + looking at similar things for Windows
            + primary platform for QA is Linux but ...
        + recruiting people heavily.
    + if QA is 'bored' (Bjeorn)
        + could we combine bibisect with the crash-testing repo
          => automatically bibisect and find what commit caused the
             <N> new crashing documents to fail.
* QA stats:
    +137    -89        (+48 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Beluga                15
        Jean-Baptiste Faure    9
        Adolfo Jayme           9
        raal                   8
        Matthew Francis        7
        m.a.riosv              6
        David Tardon           5
        Caolán McNamara        4
        Zolnai Tamás           3
        Julien Nabet           3
        Joel Madero            2
        Eike Rathke            2
        A (Andy)               2
        Jay Philips            1
* Open 4.5 MAB
  + 1/3 1/3 1/3 0/2 0/2 1/2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 14/50 13/49 15/49 14/48 13/47 12/46 16/44 16/43 16/40 14/38 11/34 6/26 6/24
     28%   26%   30%   29%   27%   26%   36%   37%   40%   36%   32%  23%  25%
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 76/160 78/160 79/160 77/158 77/158 76/158 77/156 77/155 78/155 86/154 84/152
     47%    48%    49%    48%    48%    48%    49%    49%    50%    55%    55%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 291/737 275/719 259/701 264/699 267/698 261/687 252/662 241/650 228/627
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 494(+23) bugs open of 3545(+30) total
        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 168 (+11)
                  Calc -  99 (+2)
               Impress -  34 (+3)
           Libreoffice -  29 (+9)
               Crashes -  26 (+3)
              Graphics -  25 (+0)
                    UI -  25 (+1)
                  Draw -  19 (+1)
               Borders -  16 (+0)
                  Base -  14 (+0)
               Filters -  13 (+0)
                 Chart -  10 (+0)
           Print / PDF -   9 (+0)
             framework -   5 (+1)
                 BASIC -   4 (+1)
               Formula -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
            Linguistic -   1 (+0)
        Impress Remote -   0 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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