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On 03/06/2015 12:11 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
Le 06/03/2015 05:52, Joel Madero a écrit :

Hi Joel,

I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts about bugs that have backtraces
but QA has been unable to repro. Should these just be pushed to NEW ?

Currently there are 8 UNCONFIRMED crashers  - at least one or two of
those have backtraces but have had other members of QA say they cannot

Got a link for those issues handy ?

There are the 8 crashers currently reported and unconfirmed. At least 2
of them have backtraces - one of the other ones has some kind of a
system dump or something...

If we can just mark as NEW then I suggest we start automatically asking
users to do a backtrace (at least suggest and link to the wiki). Might
save a few rounds of NEEDINFO -> UNCONFIRMED -> NEEDINFO -> WFM ->



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