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Well that build finished surprisingly fast and without errors.

I have no idea how to test whether the ActiveX and ATL parts work, though.
But at least the build went well.


2015-02-20 3:19 GMT+01:00 Jesper Hertel <>:

Hi Pavel,

A few days ago I built the git master of LibreOffice with a fresh Visual
Studio Community Edition 2013 on Windows 7 with this autogen.input:

--with-jdk-home=/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_31

I think the build was successful; it did not report any errors in the end.
And it did create a LibreOffice that seemed to work. I have not tested any
details in it, though. It was good enough for me that it started and that I
could type a few words in Writer.

I could also change something in the source code, re-make, and see that
the change actually made it through compilation into a new running version
of LibreOffice.

I have not yet tried removing


but I will put such a build on the stove and see how it goes. I am curious
too. It probably needs to cook for a day or so.

I did not make the IDE integration work yet, but that is an entirely
different story.


2015-02-19 16:21 GMT+01:00 Pavel Laštovička <>:

Hi all,

I would like to ask whether anyone tested building LibreOffice with
Visual Studio Community Edition.
Would it build all components like the Professional version? It seems to
me it would but I have not tried it myself yet.

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