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For my first participation in LibreOffice code, I'm starting to configure my working environment by working on QtCreator integration, based on current script 'gbuild-to-ide'.

I had already some good results :
- build LO from Qtcreator
- debug LO with QtCreator GUI (and see variables and stackframe)

But the problem is related to project files.
QtCreator has an interesting feature : it handles 'metaproject' : a project that lists other subprojects in subfolders. It works very well for LO except :
- the project file must have the same name that his directory
(ie : in the 'sw' folder, the project file must be '', not '', neither ''...)

- in the metaproject, we just list subfolders, and QtCreator searches for subprojects ; we can't explicitly indicate the subproject file

and each project/subproject file has a corresponding ".pro.user" file that contains the real build and configuration settings.

So, in order to not pollute LO code and git repo, how can we organize those project files ?

I thought about 2 solutions :
- create project files in the real folders (ie '' and '' in 'sw'), then list all those project files in the '.gitignore'
(are there already some '.pro' files in LO repo ?)

- create ghost folders with project files :
create '' and '' inside '.sw_qtcreator' folder ; then list those ghost folders in '.gitignore'.

Do you have another suggestions ?
What should I implement ?




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