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On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 1:36 PM,  <> wrote:

I am an undergraduate student and I have relevant skills of C, C++ and Java.
I have developed various projects on Windows Platform. But now I want to
contribute to the open source world.

Sounds great!

Can anyone please help me for getting started with open source. I want to
contribute to the Libre.

Contributors to the project are generally around during the work week,
so that's usually the best time to correspond with people on IRC.
(Mailing lists are, of course, more flexible :-)

Is there anything in particular that you're hoping to work on within
LibreOffice? Often the best way to get started on the development side
is to
- Build LibreOffice
- Find and fix an Easy Hack

Of course there are many different teams in the project, including QA,
Language/Localization, Design, Documentation, etc..., several of which
can benefit from someone with development experience!

Looking forward for positive response.

Well welcome to the project! We're always happy to have eager, skilled
contributors join us :-)


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald


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