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* Present:
    + Norbert, Ptyl, Eike, Kendy, Cloph, Stephan, Caolan, David, Robinson,
      Moggi, Miklos, Andras, Michael S, Bjoern, Jacobo, Chris Sherlock
* Completed Action Items:
    + check Matus' startup performance measurement for layered (Kendy)
AI:     [ check the stats vs. master ] (Kendy)
* Pending Action Items:
    + fix BSA login / XML-RPC issues (Cloph)
        [ confident we'll have a solution in time for switch-over ]
* Bugzilla migration update (Robinson)
    + looking good, talked with Tollef on the 6th
        + doing more testing this weekend
    + BugZilla migration on track for => Saturday, January 24, ~1600 UTC
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.4.0 RC2
        + tagged today and the libreoffice-4-4-0 branch created
        + builds for all platforms triggered
        + announce to early testing late tonight / tomorrow
        + includes new templates - result of the competition
            + thanks to Kendy/David for making that happen.
            + thanks too to template submitters:
                + Alexander Wilms
                + Edmund Laugasson
                + Jun NOGATA
                + Michael Kovarik
                + Péter Szathmáry
                + Zirk
        + no further late features expected
    + libreoffice-4-4   - one extra review for bug fixes 
    + libreoffice-4-4-0 - triple review required ie. pick from -4-4 +2 reviews
    + 4.3.6 RC1
        + due this Monday - January 12th
    + Android / iOS Remote
        + patches in gerrit to add support for new UI (android wearable)
        + iOS - update translations, was it pushed ?
        + Pebble watch port added by Gülşah
            + thanks to Norbert for merging repositories
    + 4.2
        + is a review still necessary ?
        + some people still push to 4.2
           - some Linux Distros are still on it.
           + do we still want to review that ? or let anyone do it ?
               + not concern wrt. Eike / Markus (Michael)
        => still do reviews.
* Crashtest update (Markus)
    + mailed the new asan results out
        + some fun in there with binary filters.
        + Caolan fixed a number of things
    + crash-testing didn't change much over Xmas - since few large changes.
    + has new hardware got provisioned yet ?
        + problems with complex disks setup
        + all disks go in some big raid or somesuch.
            -> helps other machines as backup.
        + concerns over writing GB's of basically junk data to a cluster
        + new host will be a backup space as well as a testing machine.
            + more disks for high-availability than the crash-test VM
        + down to the targetted bit more than 1x day for the run.
            + now at nearly 80k files.
        + how big is the win below 1x day ?
            + not so many crasher related crashes.
        + want to dedicate more cores for performance regressions
        + want to run again with memory sanitizer
    + only a handful of crashers left in the list (Caolan)
        + most remaining import crashers are just paranoid / misleading asserts.
        + still some left on export crashers (Markus)
        + may want to run some image formats at some point (Markus)
        + opportunities with fonts too (Michael)
* Easy Hack extension (Bjoern)
    + looked at last year's easy-hacks stats
        + 100x easy-hacks created in 2014 - 40x resolved.
        + total # open easy-hacks is much reduced.
    + with GSOC coming up it is important to have them.
    + Design easy-hacks (Kendy)
        + add a new TopicUI or TopicDesign (Bjoern)
    + when you see something silly in the code (has that ever happened?) (Michael)
        + restrain yourself & instead file a bug, set whiteboard to:
            "EasyHack DifficultyBeginner SkillCpp TopicCleanup"
        + and move on.
        + please people file at least one.
    + some new C++11 features which may help
    + could we make Coverity reports easy hacks ?
        + concern wrt. keeping # down - takes a while to fix them (Michael)
    + concern to get Easy Hackers -> move to harder stuff
        + how can we get people into bigger / bug-fixing ? (Michael)
            + problem: experienced people taking things that should go
              to new contributors (Moggi)
                + somewhat anti-social / wasting an entry point.
        + please point this out if we see it happening & encourage -> harder bugs.
    + 40% opened & closed in 2014 
        + down-side, lots of others are ancient.
            + should we just close those ?
AI: + look at closing un-touched easy-hacks next time.
* FOSDEM bits (Kendy)
    + Bruessels, Belgium -- February 2015
    + Cor doing T-shirts (hopefully)
        + 20+ talks submitted / update - lots of good content.
        + kendy presenting the LibreOffice design team in open-source design dev-roomn
    + Book a room at 'Hotel Astrid' to be near the team: cheap as well ...
* Win64 work (DavidO)
        + UNO bridge fixed (thanks to Mark Williams)
    + Patch review appreciated:
    + calc starts to hit memory limits with large sheets so - appreciated (Michael)
* Crashreporter (Kendy)
    + the unused crashrep gone - thanks Caolán!
        + horrible, un-maintained, bespoke solution
        + no server side etc.
    + still it is useful to have a tool that collects the crashes + has a dashboard (?)
    + are there existing cross-platform free s/w tools that do that?
        + ABRT [] - Linux only
            + Mozilla ( uses that:
                + Breakpad for the client side
                + Socorro for the server side
    + breakpad (Markus)
        + looked into it - stack un-winding on the server side
        + really cross-platform, eg. Android-Fennec supported (Kendy)
    + launchpad there but - linux-only (Bjoern)
    + conensus on breakpad
        + needs quite some engineering work however.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + initial scheduling for 2015:
        + Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
            + happy to have us back
            + suggested March 19th, 20th: Thur / Fri.
            + happens during GSOC application phase.
        + Cambridge, UK - May 2015 contact: Michael
* GSoC (Kendy)
    + February, 9th: Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google.
    + who will take care of GSoC this year ?
AI:     + ask Fridrich, Cedric and head-hunt (Kendy)
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + decided on the new templates
        + chosen nine templates of many
        + lots (sadly) had English text
            + problematic for localisation
        + 4x very nice Impress templates
    + how to handle ux-advise in bugzilla
        + improved the workflow there to encourage the
          design people to reply directly etc.
        + will post minutes shortly.
    + lots of other nice improvements:
        + hi-dpi improvements by Tomaž
        + many cleanups by various people (Adolfo, Caolán, Jay, Stuart)
        + side-bar for change-tracking
* Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
    + quiet week.
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
    + working on making Windows more resilient to stop it hanging
    + trying to get some Linux VMs up to have 3x platforms
* gerrit daily digest AWOL (Bjoern)
    + seems to have been fixed : thanks.
* Etherpad for annual report (Bjoern)
    + you too can add something here:
* Commit access
    + Gülşah - pebble watch remote
* Kohei
    + moving on from full-time work on LibreOffice.
    + vote of thanks
       + for all the great work on the spreadsheet over the years
    + hopefully have time to volunteer too.
* Regressions - the story (Chris S)
    + quite a few regression bugs around EMF
    + some work in a branch eg. private/tbsdy/emf
    + a unit test suite in cppcanvas (Miklos)
       + only a single test but ...
    + worked with thorsten on that
       + who is eager to switch cppcanvas -> DrawingLayer
    + problems with InkML / bezier curves
* QA (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED under 400 - a 100x reduction since last time
    + Increasing # of bugs bisected
    + concern wrt. no cross-platform solution for AV (Michael)
        + blame the Mpeg-LA.
    * Regression redux (Michael)
        + great work on base - thanks to Lionel, Julien Nabet, Noel Grandin
    + needAdvice: Bug 55364 - Bundled Extensions create huge amount of files in appdata (slows 
roaming profiles)
        + Please add yourself to FindTheExpert:
    + QA Team preparing for support during bugzilla migration
        + do we need to announce the migration ? (Bjoern)
            + Announced on TDF/LibreOffice lists; some individuals will get notified anyway 
            + general public would like to know etc (Bjorn)
            + posted on Twitter / Reddit and other places (Robinson)
* QA stats:
    +137    -142        (-5 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        QA Administrators   55
        Adolfo Jayme        10
        Jay Philips          6
        Julien Nabet         6
        Matthew Francis      6
        Alex Thurgood        5
        V Stuart Foote       4
        Joel Madero          4
        Beluga               3
        Markus Mohrhard      3
* Open 4.5 MAB
  + 0/1 0/1
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 6/26 6/24 7/24 7/22 5/19 4/18 3/17 3/16 3/16 4/16 5/15 4/14 3/12
    23%  25%  29%  31%  26%  22%  17%
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 86/151 86/148 84/146 58/117 33/90 19/73 17/65 16/64 16/64 15/63 16/63 16/60
     56%    58%    57%    49%    36%   26%   26%   25%   18%   23%   25%   26%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 214/564 208/532 208/526 182/488 190/481 189/475 190/470 173/446 170/441
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 430(-20) bugs open of 3307(+50) total
        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 139 (+3)
           Spreadsheet -  82 (-10) [!]
          Presentation -  29 (+0)
               Crashes -  25 (-1)
           Libreoffice -  24 (-1)
              Database -  22 (-7)  [!]
                    UI -  22 (+0)
               Drawing -  20 (+0)
              Graphics -  21 (+1)
               Borders -  17 (-2)
               Filters -  12 (+0)
                 Chart -  11 (-3)  [!]
           Print / PDF -  11 (+0)
                 BASIC -   4 (-1)
          Installation -   3 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
               Formula -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
             framework -   1 (+0)
            Linguistic -   1 (+0)
        Impress Remote -   0 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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