I can' t build libreoffice- and, The build process always
stopped when this window showed.
When I force closed this window I got this error message
[build CHK] sc
[build SLC] chart2
[build SLC] sc
[build SLC] libreoffice
[build SLC] loaded modules: UnoControls accessibility accessories afms
android animations apache-commons apple_t bridges canvas chart2 cli_ure
clucene codemaker comphelper configmgr connectivity cppcanvas cppu
cppuhelper cbeddedobj embedserv eventattacher expat extensions external
extras filter firebird forms formula fpicker framew8npool i18nutil icu idl
idlc instsetoo_native io javaunohelper jfreereport jpeg jurt jvmaccess
jvmfwk l10ntoolsd liblangtag libmspub libmwaw libodfgen liborcus libpng
librelogo libreoffice libvisio libwpd libwpg libwps libs more_fonts
msc-externals mythes neon np_sdk nss o3tl odk offapi officecfg oovbaapi oox
openssl package padminoo redland registry remotebridges reportbuilder
reportdesign rhino ridljar rsc sal salhelper sax sc scaddins scsolenv
soltools sot starmath stoc store svgio svl svtools svx sw swext sysui test
testtools toolkit tools touchs unoxml ure uui vbahelper vcl vigra wizards
writerfilter writerperfect xmerge xmlhelp xmloff xmlreader xmlscri
Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE # for exception catching
export CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging on linux
export CPPUNITTRACE=""[full path to devenv.exe]" /debugexe" # for
interactive debugging in Visual Studio
export VALGRIND=memcheck # for memory checking
and retry using: make CppunitTest_dbaccess_hsqldb_test
make[1]: *** [D:/lo/lo-core/workdir/CppunitTest/dbaccess_hsqldb_test.test]
Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

- build process stopped athsqldb_empty.odb · aron
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