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* Present:
    + Lionel, Stephan, Eike, Miklos, Robinson, Jacobo, Andras, Markus,
      Michael M., Ptyl, Cloph, Norbert, Florian, Bjoern, Jan-Marek,
      Muthu, Michael S., Adam
* Completed Action Items:
    + look at regressions associated with a SUSE bugzilla bugfix (Timar)
        [ went through them, but no low hanging fruit, but no need to access
          original documents there, for most there are unit tests. Will check
          all are public ]
    + look at sorting spreadsheet / use-cases etc. (Eike)
        cf. ]
        ongoing, a mix of real bugs, wrong expectations and misconception about references
        [ worked through the document, and added a comment to the bug,
          cherry-picked some fixes missing on the 4.2.x branch, fixed
          2-3 cases on all other branches.
          Suggest we do a 4.2.8 last-release ].
* Pending Action Items:
    + start building bibisect repositories (Robinson)
        [ works on his local machine, but ... needs access to Bertha ]
AI:       get Robinson access to Bertha etc. (Cloph)
        + see also:
* Bugzilla migration update (Robinson)
    + going well
        + please test out your tools vs. that.
    + bugzilla notification - needed for IRC & git commit daemons
    + can we login ? (Miklos)
        + all passwords need a reset.
    + if anyone wants admin access - mail Robinson
    + Aiming for 3rd week in January - Wed / Jan 14th
        + why not when people are not using it ? (Norbert)
            + happy to have another day (Robinson)
        + presumably a weekend-night of down-time will screw
          over fewer fdo users (Norbert)
    + Aim for calendar week 3 (Florian)
        + so we have infra etc. available end of week 2 etc.
        + now safe to go -> if we can move forward; reach out to
          Tollef, and arrange a date with him.
AI:     + reach out to Tollef to organise a date/time (Robinson)
    + load-testing ? (Michael)
        + handful of people on the current VM, the
          file-system is not optimized.
        + do we have stats on the fdo load ? (Michael)
AI:          + will get from Tollef (Robinson)
    + do we have the web-page / password reset done ? (Norbert)
        + see an un-pretty, but working notification (Robinson)
        + needs to just have enough to grok the migration (Norbert)
             + says "we've migrated bugzilla" etc. (Robinson)
    + Testing BSA
        + needs to be fixed vs. current version of bugzilla on fdo
        + current BSA is broken vs. fdo - due to upgrade of bugzilla
          a few weeks ago.
        + their HTML layout changed, and all scripts that parsed that
          are broken (Markus)
             + best to switch to XML-RPC
             + BSA - already use XML-RPC but doesn't work (Cloph)
             + will setup a test system so we can get that fixed (Cloph)
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.2.8 release
AI:     + come up with a proposal timing-wise (Cloph)
           + next week 4.4 Beta 2, etc. every week has a release
           + better to have it in the 4.4 beta phase
               + Eike is confident.
                   + plan a 1-RC release.
           + have been pushing that out to Ubuntu/PPA (Bjoern)
               + lack of 'murder' screaming out there.
        => late this week or early next week.
           + can we ask people to test ? (Robinson)
               + always pushed to the dev-builds server & announced (Cloph)
               + lets not invite re-opening wounds (Bjoern)
               + its a ton better in its current state (Michael)
           + Cudos to Eike (Bjoern)
    + 4.3.5 RC1 status
        + currently synching to the mirrors, can be announced to the public
          after the call.
    + 4.4.0 Beta 2
        + ensure everything committed to master is cherry-picked to 4.4 branch
        + string freeze is with RC1 - due in week 51 - Dec 15th.
        + Lateish Feature collection:
            + OpenGL rendering for Windows by default for good drivers (various)
                + Blacklisting for Linux and Windows (Markus)
                    [ mostly done, Linux in master, Windows in-progress,
                      currently porting the Mozilla code here; but mostly
                      tested; comes from Mozilla - with some tweaks - eg.
                      remove DirectX bits; switched string classes etc.
                      Lots of registry lookups ].
            + OpenGL/CL JPEG de-compression to texture (jpeg-turbo patch)
                 [ patch pending here ].
            + images*.zip layering ? (Kendy)
                 + saves 5Mb of zipped installation size, we open the zip
                   files and do the fallback at run-time.
                   + packimages & impimagetree.cxx bits (Kendy)
                   + cold-start ? (Michael)
                       + loads the zip file when needed (Kendy)
                       + can squash Industrial into tango to save (Kendy)
AI:                + check Matus' startup performance measurement (Kendy)
                 => leave on master for now (Kendy)
            + sidebar (stripe) enabled in Calc (Kendy)
                 + in addition to the re-work of writer toolbar, calc has been
                   re-worked; some icons hidden and show only in the side-bar.
                 + not currently enabled for calc, want to enable the collapsed
                   version by default
                      + don't care so much (Markus)
                        don't want the expanded sidebar by default in writer (Kendy)
                      + happy too (Eike)
                 + can revert in the beta-phase if problems (Kendy)
                 => merge it.
                      + back-port Miklos' fix for the unit test too.
    + Android / iOS Remote
        + will update the support library
        + uses current version of Gradle
        + will release a version with updated translations
* Crashtest update (Markus)
    + migrated to new host - 32 cores
        + numbers updated around once per day.
    + expecting new hardware before Christmas.
        + DOCX export regression just now (2.5k)
        + XLS export quite bad currently - 500 at the moment.
        + RTF import is a problem.
    + at some point need to add plotting to the scripts to graph this.
    + could we tinderbox-alike this (Miklos)
        + spam all people committing in the commit range
    + bug load & re-save the ODF - with duplicate attribute (Michael S)
        + added some assertions to the class where this is stored.
        + now can crash on import.
        + can put the fix in 4.2.8
* Munich hackfest retrospective
    + Jmux spent the time mostly cooking ...
        + food was awesome (Kendy)
    + Moggi / DavidO / Kendy there
        + Jonathan Riddell there too ...
            + started some KDE5 vclplug porting action
        + otherwise - some fun hacking here & there.
    + three LiMux students there, helped to mentor them.
    + any problems building it ? (Eike)
        + all Debian/KDE guys anyway (Markus)
            + Jonathan - built with icecream & -> 1.5hrs.
* Tokio/Kanto Hackfest retrospective
    + great work going on in Japan, used VMs to track-down bugs too.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + initial scheduling for 2015:
        + FOSDEM, Bruessels, Belgium -- February 2015 contact: Fridrich
        + Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain -- March, 2015 contact: Bjoern
            + setup for GSOC etc.
        + Cambridge, UK -- May 2015 contact: Michael
            + ... more planning later ...
* commit access (Kendy/Markus)
    + added people:
        + Jonathan Riddell
            + doing KDE 5 work
        + Jay Philips
            + icons, menus, toolbars, string improvements
    + added admin:
        + Kendy
* C++11 on master towards LO 4.5 (Stephan)
    + see thread starting at 
    + switch to MSVC 2013?
        + done a build - it works nicely (Stephan & Kendy)
    + stay with GCC 4.6 for Munich ? (JMux)
        + don't want to maintain own toolchain, will switch to 4.5 next year
          if need to update, will need to provide their own toolchain
           + prefer to stay on 4.6
        + is it not possible to have 2x gcc's installed in parallel ? (Kendy)
        + which Ubuntu as a base-image ? (Bjoern)
           + 12.4 LTS - expect an update end of next year.
    + the bigger win here is from MSVC2013 (Stephan)
        + many of things are not in MS anyway
        + missing template aliases
           - now have explicit classes forwarding to containers
           + eg. class around a std::vector with parts of the template
             arguments filled in.
    + give some days for tinderbox machines to update & then require MSVC2013 (Stephan)
    + lets do it as last-time:
           + stick with gcc 4.6 for now until people badly need a new feature
           + checking for some gcc / toolchain back-ports for Precise (Bjoern)
               + done by the gcc maintainers.
    + Visual Studio Community (Michael S)
        + free of charge for Open Source projects
        + does that include the ATL header files etc. ?
           + according to the docs it does (Kendy)
    + any implication for Mac (Norbert)
        + Mac is Clang and has been ahead for ages (Stephan)
* Fold URE into LO (Stephan)
    + Already done on Mac
    + Benefits for Windows (one less place to find DLLs via PATH)
    + Harmonize all platforms again
    + lovely work (Michael)

         + indeed (Bjoern)

    + we don't know of anyone using URE without an office (Michael S)
        + no-one is known; but we can still keep it functional in its own package (Stephan)
            + just locate it in libreoffice/program not URE/bin etc.
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + to avoid misunderstandings, some explanation about the Design team :-)
    + what the Design team is:
        + a set of "design hackers" - people who like to improve things around usability & design
        + a platform for conflict resolution
    + what the Design team is _not_:
        + a set of people who would like to manage other people
    + works like the development
        + if an idea proves to be wrong, it is reverted
        + and if there's a conflict, it has to be resolved quickly; no bikeshedding
            + many things are measurable, no need for guessing
    + "don't let perfect be enemy of the good" is applied - so don't be afraid to improve UX 
        + if you are missing a shortcut, add it
        + if you need to create a dialog, create it
        + it's good if you then also add it to the
            + under the "the last week's UX changes"
            + but I'm going through the commits so should see the important changes
        + and if you let us know, we can apply the HIG, check the wording, etc. for you
    + meeting bits
        + nothing of huge importance
        + discuss: creating some mode of 'simple toolbar' - instead of lots of items,
          having a single, simple toolbar (with the possibility ot switch between the
          full-featured and simple mode)
              + easily do-able; but is it a good idea.
* Bughunting sessions (Robinson)
    + last weekend on IRC:
      + Had ~100 bugs filed during the event
      + MozTrap had 57 test runs, and 6 bugs were found
      + A big thanks to everyone who helped out!
* FOSDEM bits
        + 20 minute slots (good to collect talks)
    + please consider filing by mid. December !
    + Volunteer needed to book / run the hackfest afterwards.
        + who did it the last year? - Mirek
AI      + Cor had some good relationship with the BetaCowork? - ask him (Kendy)
* Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
    + page updated.
    + cf.
        + accidentally didn't change this  -only on instdir, not the install-set
        + backport to 4.4? what about 4.3/4.2?
    + see for context
AI:     + back-port it to 4.4 (Bjoern)
             + everyone fine (Michael S, Stephan)
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
    + not much progress this week
* QA (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED slid up to 640 due to distraction of NEEDINFO work
        + still in good shape
    + backlog decreasing
    + interesting crasher:
        + bibsect ?
* QA stats:
    +173    -140        (+33 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Beluga              26
        Caolán McNamara     11
        Adolfo Jayme        10
        Maxim Monastirsky   10
        raal                 7
        Michael Stahl        6
        tommy27              6
        Joel Madero          6
        Jay Philips          5
* Open 4.5 MAB
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 5/19 4/18 3/17 3/16 3/16 4/16 5/15 4/14 3/12 3/12 3/12 7/12
    26%  22%  17%
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 33/90 19/73 17/65 16/64 16/64 15/63 16/63 16/60 17/61 16/60 14/59 15/58
     36%   26%   26%   25%   18%   23%   25%   26%   27%   26%   23%   25%
* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 63/255 74/261 83/266 81/263 84/262 82/260 80/260 82/260 86/257 88/257
     24%    28%    31%    30%    32%    31%    30%    31%    33%    35%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 190/481 189/475 190/470 173/446 170/441 161/427 153/413 154/410
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 486(+2) bugs open of 3226(+15) total
        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 140 (-2)
           Spreadsheet - 109 (+3)
               Crashes -  31 (+0)
          Presentation -  30 (-1)
              Database -  28 (+0)
           Libreoffice -  27 (+1)
                    UI -  23 (-2)
               Drawing -  22 (+0)
              Graphics -  21 (+0)
               Borders -  20 (+0)
               Filters -  16 (+0)
                 Chart -  15 (+1)
           Print / PDF -  14 (+0)
                 BASIC -   5 (+0)
               Formula -   3 (+0)
            Linguistic -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   3 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
             framework -   1 (+0)
        Impress Remote -   0 (+0)
  + - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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