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Hi Aron,

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 07:58:49PM +0900, Aronsoyol Qi <> wrote:
I want to insert a text box which can show vertical text in writter. But It
seems like that there is no options for vertical direction text (tb-lr and
tb-rl)in the combo box in frame’s setting dilaog, just likes the screen
shot below.

[image: 埋め込み画像 3][image: 埋め込み画像 1]

It seems like this dialog’s source is



But how to insert the entry into the combo box?
Yes, seems the UI is more limited than the internal enum in this case.
The full list of internally supported values are at

I think you found the right files to add a new entry -- for editing .ui
files, see here:

After you're dong with editing your cxx and ui files, you can do 'make
sw' to build and copy them to instdir, and instdir/program/soffice
should reflect your changes.



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