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On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Caolán McNamara <> wrote:
On Thu, 2014-10-02 at 23:35 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
* direct usage of boost::random for fancy distributions in Calc,

* include/comphelper/random.hxx:
  double uniform() function with [0,1) range
  implemented with boost::random / MersenneTwister for speed

... so i'd guess that the comphelper/random.hxx approach is most
promising for general-purpose random numbers (i.e. not crypto); it even
nicely encapsulates the boost template madness behind a small ABI.

oh, there is also a <random> header in C++11, likely inspired by
boost::random; i wonder if our new baseline toolchains have support for
this... actually GCC 4.5 release notes list it as a new feature, and
MSVC 2012 has it too:
Hmm, little trap here, uniform_int_distribution takes [a,b] range while
uniform_real_distribution takes [a,b).
so: (int)(floor(uniform_real_distributtion(a, b+1)) ?



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