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* Present: Jay, Kendy, Samuel, Steve
* Completed Action Items:
    + none - the first call :-)
* Pending Action Items:
    + none
* UI changes integrated the last week (Samuel):
    + Samuel tests + reads the code
        + thanks for your work there! (Kendy)

    + Firefox themes footer
        + footer themes did not work initially, but Michael J. fixed
    + Alternating lines highlight in the Expert configuration listbox
        + should that be enabled on more places?  possibly even default?
        + AI Samuel: Will try to switch it on generally; and also check
          what the other platforms are doing (like, if this way of
          highlighting is known/standard there)
    + Style dropdown:
        + beautiful!!! (Kendy)
    + Changes toolbar: New Icons (Jay)
        + completed, pushed now
        + will need a small update - when using a different background (Jay)
        + will update & push & add to the release notes
* New Color Picker (Samuel)
    + Who's going to finish it?
    + seems some problems there are already fixed
    + AI Jay: will create bugs for the rest in bugzilla, and ping Krisztian
        + some of them could be Easy Hack-ized too
* Redmine usage (Kendy)
    + Info from admins: Please don't use the Redmine wiki, it is not
      backed up!
    + TDF wiki should be the only wiki we use in the project...
        + AI Kendy: Check the how much info is in the redmine wiki
    + What advantage does Redmine have?
        + I like the forums (Jay)
        + Seems the forums is the ~only supported part of redmine
          though (Kendy)
        + Not much information who proposed the redmine initially,
          need feedback from them (Kendy)
        + mailing list works for me better - to keep track of what
          I've read, no idea if it is possible with forums? (Kendy)
* Toolbar group buttons (Samuel / Jay)
    + Would be useful to have grouped toolbar buttons - Jay will
      design, Samuel can do some coding
    + But probably not for 4.4
* Large Icons (Jay)
    + Usage of large icons by default on windows (Jay) fdo#82309
        + We already have that as the default on Linux and OS X
        + Mentioned the reasons in the bug
        + Adolfo objected; but no further discussion
        + small icons made sense when we had 800x600 screens (Jay)
            + relict of old times?
            + Support that: small icons on OS X are just too tiny, never used
              that (Steve)
        + current approach in the code: if menu font size is bigger than a limit,
          show large icons
        + proposed change: when horizontal resolution is larger or equal
          than 1024 pixels, show large icons
            + let's try it in master and see if people oppose too much (Kendy)
                + and revert if yes
            + concern if we hear about the positive feedback too (Steve)
            + blog about that, so that people can comment when they
              like it (Steve)
    + Usage of large icons in the sidebar
        + would be useful when there is enough space
        + layout updates when the icons are bigger (Jay)
        + should be ~easy to bind it to the toolbar icon size setting, IIRC (Kendy)
            + AI Kendy: let's make an Easy Hack to conform to the icon size
              setting, Kendy will provide the code pointers

* Sidebar Improvements (Jay)
    + Addition of the style drop down to properties pane
    + Redesign of the properties pane
    + Creation of a new page properties pane
    + Integrating table toolbar features into the properties pane
    + 2 proposals, but who will do the code?
    + AI Kendy: Will provide Jay with pointers to .ui for the sidebar - so
      that he can try it in glade

[the rest of the topics deferred to the next week :-)]


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