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As the wikipedia explains, many businesses encourage top for
blackberry etc.. so I had no clue there was a community of regulars around
lists...that would give a vehement reaction if their email netiquette was
not followed.  European right?

-----Original Message-----
From: LibreOffice [] On
Behalf Of nicholas ferguson
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:23 PM
To: 'Norbert Thiebaud'
Cc: 'libreoffice'
Subject: RE: #4 can someone spot problem with simplebootstrap_cpp.cxx

of course if you think Michael (or I) does not know what >he is talking
about, maybe you'll give more weight to a >IETF RFC:

So I am getting a vehement response from community regulars as per this
Wikipedia warning.
So your community of regulars want bottom response? Or can I also do
interleaved response...but no top response..right?

"While each online community differs on which styles are appropriate or
acceptable, within some communities the use of the "wrong" method risks
being seen as a breach of netiquette, and can provoke vehement response from
community regulars."

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