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Sorry I couldn't join today.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Michael Meeks <>

* Present:
    + Jacobo, Kendy, Michael M, Ptyl, Miklos, Stephan, Muthu, Jan-Marek
      Andras, Robinson, Norbert

* Completed Action Items:
    + merge the web plugin patch after the conference (Stephan)
        [ done and in the 4.4 release notes ]
    + massage plan wrt. FOSDEM dev-rooms (Thorsten)
        [ working around a joint dev-room ]

* Pending Action Items:
    + Ask Bjoern to do a survey on the wrench icons (Mirek)
    + blog about the sad realities of web plugins (Bjoern)
    + open-source newer Synezip tests (Umesh)
        [ Plan to run these on a server on the cloud service,
          announce the results in the ESC meeting. ]
    + provide wiki links for new processes for design interation (Mirek)
    + poke Alex wrt. off-site backup for TDF services (Cloph)

* Release Engineering update (Robinson)
    + 4.3.2 RC1 - status
       + currently staged, and has been announced, pushing to mirrors
       + following the steps, but the builds worked.
    + 4.2.7 - due in week 40 - 29th Sept freeze.
    + Android Remote

* Crashtest update (Miklos)
    + a run during the conference, detected some writerfilter issues, now
mostly fixed.
         + run interrupted by security update / re-boot
         + VM state not preserved across re-boots
         + new-run ongoing - will be announced on list.

* New baseline aka C++11 (Jan-Marek)
    + Thread start:
    + Previous baseline: gcc 4.1.2 (2007-02-13)
    + Current baseline: at least gcc 4.8.1 (2013-05-31)
    + There was additional discussion on IRC (2014-09-18)
    + There had been previous discussions in May 2014 ESC calls
    + Tinderboxes (TBs) now based on RH 5 + RH Developer Toolset 2.x
    + "Official" baseline announced as gcc 4.7
    + "Official" announcement - you'll need gcc 4.7+ to compile LO 4.4
    + LOconf14 talks regarding C++11
        - I didn't get the fact the introduction is due for LO 4.4
    + And the TBs moved the compiler / build tool baseline actually to gcc
4.8[.0] (release: 2013-03-22)
        - TBs actually run 4.8.n (n > 0)
        - Basically drops support for all distros > 2 years old
            - Ubuntu 12.04 has gcc 4.6
                - I know there are PPAs
                      Just contains offical release toolchains - no
                      Unsupported (@see Workarounds) and not up to date
with any baseline
                - I know there is an unsupported 4.7.2 in precise-updates
        - Already had an incompatibility bug
    + Since last week master requires gcc-4.7 (Stephan)
        + still works with gcc-4.6 - for now.
        + a bug introduced recently, fixed already thanks to Jan Marek
        + these things happen whatever the tinderboxes uses
        + just a function of the diverse compiler set we have.
    + Building master on old Ubuntu (Stephan)
        + building on 12.whatever - we broke that
        + for the TDF baseline builds, CentOS 5 - we use a devtools
          toolchain with a related compiler & binaries that run on the
          baseline - apparently not available for Ubuntu.
    + Old versions of distros / not compiling master (Stephan)
        + was not seen as an issue by the distro people.
        + master will only go into recent versions of distros.
        + so we have a 12.4 build problem, and need a solution for this.
    + If gcc-4.6 is needed - perhaps it works (Stephan)
        + we have to subset the C++11 features anyway (Kendy)
        + only feature missing in 4.6: delegating constructors (Stephan)
            + 'override' and 'final' - we have macros for them anyway.
        + possibly some std::library features not implemented in 4.7
        + from the core-language, all that is missing is delegating
        + happy with that (Jmux)
        + do we get enough new goodness then ? (Michael)
            + sure we get tons - lots of goodies.
            + clang use 4.7 as their bootstrap baseline
    + can we have a tinderbox running gcc-4.6 (Miklos)
        + without that, sooner or later someone will break it.
AI:     + setup a LiMux based tinderbox (Jmux)
AI:     + send Jmux some tinderbox pointers (Norbert)
            + some good slides from the conference on this (Jacobo)

* Hackfests (Robinson)
    + Seattle 'Libre-Fest' (Robinson)
        + October 26, 2014
        + Bug-triaging/Intro-to-community event
        + Following SeaGL conference
        + definite interest, heard back from some professors from the
security lab
        + want to meet Norbert and/or Kohei - why not go ?
    + Toulouse Hackfest ...
        + Confirmed for Nov. 15-16th
        + more details:
    + Munich hack-fest (Jan-Marek):
        + jmux (IRC) can add you if you don't want to create an account
        + will have a BSP come-together; if someone says they're coming
          just show up etc.
           + November 21st-23rd, 2014
           + we should drop by with 2 or 3 developers, if possible
    + Be great to have -really- easy easy hacks for devs (Bjoern)

* Commit Access
AI: + get Samuel Mehrbrot access again (Michael)

* Opening up the ESC calls (Michael)
    + not everything but most - bridge 2x calls 1x private, 1 public via
the G+ hangout ?
    + not v. fond of public recording issue (Norbert)
AI:     + see if Florian / talkyo can provide a public / non-recorded room
    + some topics eg. security, commit access still need to be private.

* UX Update (Astron / Mirek)
    + use of redmine discussion - issues / benefits.

* QA (Robinson)
  + un-confirmed bug count climbing again - just over 900
    + Robinson distracted by releng while Cloph on vacation
  + otherwise mostly quiet.

* QA stats:
    +143    -93        (+50 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara    13
        Jean-Baptiste Faure 10
        Adolfo Jayme         8
        Michael Meeks        5
        raal                 5
        Jan Holesovsky       3

* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 3/12 7/12 3/8 3/8 4/8 4/8 3/7 3/7 2/5 1/2 1/1

* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 14/59 15/58 12/54 13/53 14/52 14/50 11/47 14/47 14/45 19/43 10/32 6/27
     23%   25%   22%   24%   26%   28%   23%   29%   33%   44%   31%   22%

* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 89/257 91/257 86/252 82/245 83/244 83/243 84/236 85/235 82/229 81/222
     34%    35%    34%    33%    34%    34%     35%    36%    35%    36%

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 143/389 146/385 142/375 141/374 136/361 127/349 119/331 102/308 92/296

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 457(+0) bugs open of 3042(+13) total
        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 138 (+2)
           Spreadsheet -  91 (+2)
               Crashes -  30 (-4)
          Presentation -  29 (+0)
           Libreoffice -  25 (-1)
              Database -  25 (+0)
              Graphics -  23 (+0)
                    UI -  20 (-2)
               Borders -  19 (-1)
               Filters -  15 (+0)
               Drawing -  13 (+0)
           Print / PDF -  12 (+0)
                 Chart -   9 (+1)
                 BASIC -   5 (+0)
            Extensions -   5 (+0)
            Linguistic -   4 (+0)
          Installation -   4 (+0)
               Formula -   4 (-1)
             framework -   1 (+0)
                   sdk -   0 (+0)
        Impress Remote -   0 (+0)
  + - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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