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* Present:
    + Cloph, Stephan, Andras, David, Michael M, Eike, Caolan, Robinson,
      Norbert, Bjoern, Fridrich, Thorsten, Lionel, Miklos, Markus, Michael S,
      Adam, Muthu
* Completed Action Items:
    + Ask for 1-2 more dev-list moderators & re-visit next-week (Michael)
        [ currently quite quiet - large wave has vanished ].
    + help Cloph with the quickstarter disabling (Andras)

        Patches in gerrit to disable quickstarter completely. No objections
        to have that included; all merged - will be in 4.3.1 release.
* Pending Action Items:
    + ask UX advise wrt. wrench icons (revert or not ?) (Astron)
    + blog about the sad realities of web plugins (Bjoern)
    + open-source newer Synezip tests / speak at the conference (Umesh)
    + contact Michael / the list when students show up (Jan Marek)
* GSOC Update (Fridrich)
    + Evaluation deadline is tomorrow - but everything is filed already
        + 100% pass-rate, should be grateful for that.
        + not a bad year at all.
AI: + Get work / screenshots into the 4.4 feature list (Students)
        + Integrated PageMaker filter, 0.0.1 release
        + Linked frames - looking good
        + refactor huge objects -- looking fine, good progress there
        + Tiled rendering excellent - for calc still pending
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 4.3.1 RC2 somewhat delayed / tagging tomorrow
    + 4.2.7 - due in week 40 - 29th Sept freeze.
        + Potential for new incremental releases sooner.
    + Android Remote
* FOSDEM room
    + deadline for dev room proposal, September, 15th
AI: + reach out to work out what to do (Thorsten)
* OSX 10.6 for 4.4 ? (Michael)
    + need 10.8 for OpenGL support (Markus)
    + Goal is to go there (Norbert)
AI: + fix the 4.4 feature page (Norbert):
* Crashtest update (Markus)
        + new results look quite good, fixing appreciated.
    + script will from now on mail the dev list when it finishes
    + Caolan old CVE documents through CERT's 'Basic File Fuzzer'
        + doing a number of fixes there.
    + option to run these in an automated way
    + need someone to tend Markus' builds while he's away - 5x weeks.
        + check that the VM is still running, not hanging in an infinite
          loop etc.
AI:     + take care of crash-test / VM maintenance in September/October (Miklos)
* Certification Committee (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
    + waiting until ~September after the conf.
* USA Hackfest update (Michael)
    + Boston Hackfest
        + Amazon / VMs were awesome - thanks Cloph.
            + great way to ge started.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Seattle 'Libre-Fest' (Robinson)
        + October 26, 2014
        + Bug-triaging/Intro-to-community event
        + Following SeaGL conference
    + Munich hack-fest (Jan-Marek):
        + will have a BSP come-together; if someone says they're coming
          just show up etc.
           + November 21st-23rd, 2014
           + we should drop by with 2 or 3 developers, if possible
    + Toulouse Hackfest ...
        + Confirmed for Nov. 15-16th
        + more details:
    + Be great to have -really- easy easy hacks for devs (Bjoern)
* ~25 LiMux Mail Merge patches:
    + volunteer reviewers wanted ;)
        + is it sufficiently bad it can't get worse ? (Michael)
        + nearly - except its so bad it is also fragile (Bjoern)
        + Bjoern + Michael S to have a look at some stage.
* QA (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED count increasing. Recruiting again.
    + Multiple q's/bugs filed re: video playback support in Impress - OSX (plays in QT, not in LO)
        + Do we document our policy for video/audio playback? (using system framework)
        + Status of VLC support?
            + Different support on different distros (Bjoern)
            + VLC is not ideal - not a multimedia framework;
               eg. playing live video to thumbnail etc.
        + We use the native platform multimedia framework (Michael)
        + There is no good cross-platform mm format that works with all
          codecs out of the box.
        + VLC is not enabled / compiled in by default; quality is not ideal.
        + VLC not enabled on Ubuntu, but seems to be enabled on Debian
* UX Update (Astron / Mirek)
* Bern Conference
    + book your hotels!
* QA stats:
    +181    -115        (+66 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        sophie              13
        Jani Nikula         11
        Robinson Tryon (qubit) 8
        Julien Nabet         8
        Michael Stahl        8
        Caolán McNamara     6
        Adolfo Jayme         6
        foss                 5
        Maxim Monastirsky    5
        Eike Rathke          4
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 3/8 4/8 4/8 3/7 3/7 2/5 1/2 1/1
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 13/53 14/52 14/50 11/47 14/47 14/45 19/43 10/32 6/27 5/24 5/22 3/20
     24%   26%   28%   23%   29%   33%   44%   31%   22%  20%  22%  15%
* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 82/245 83/244 83/243 84/236 85/235 82/229 81/222 76/215 74/212 74/210
     33%    34%    34%     35%    36%    35%    36%    35%    34%    35%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 141/374 136/361 127/349 119/331 102/308 92/296 84/283 84/280 81/274
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 435(+0) bugs open of 2975(+23) total
        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 123 (-3)
           Spreadsheet - 78 (-1)
               Crashes - 35 (+2)
          Presentation - 28 (+0)
           Libreoffice - 26 (-1)
              Database - 24 (+3)
                    UI - 24 (-1)
              Graphics - 23 (+2)
               Borders - 19 (+0)
               Filters - 15 (+0)
               Drawing - 14 (+1)
           Print / PDF - 12 (+1)
                 Chart -  8 (+0
               Formula -  5 (+0)
            Extensions -  5 (+0)
          Installation -  4 (+0)
                 BASIC -  4 (+0)
            Linguistic -  3 (+0)
             framework -  1 (-1)
                   sdk -  0 (+0)
        Impress Remote -  0 (+?)
  + - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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