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--- Comment #14 from tommy27 <> ---
Unlocalized file should have its own list and should not mix with localized
the reason was explained here

(In reply to comment #0)

there are also separate replacement tables for all language variants:

however those .dat files are not mutual... this separate subtype policy must
be kept because of the minority of words that have different spelling among
language variants
For example i could set a:
- “colour -> color”  entry in the acor-en_US.dat file and a
- “color -> colour” entry in the acor-en_GB.dat file
there's however the vast majority of words that have exactly the same
spelling... let's take an example: “yellow” which is the same in England,
South Africa, Australia, Canada etc. etc.
if you come with a typing error like “yrllow” you should set an autocorrect
entry in each of the localized english .dat files... it would be too time
It would be much user friendly and time saving to have a “non localized”
"acor-en.dat" file whose entries are shared by all english subtypes.

it would be great to have something similar to the the “universal
replacement table” acor_.dat but restricted to certain language groups.
something like: 

- acor_en.dat working on both UK, US, AUS etc. ect. english variants 
- acor_it.dat   working both on italian and swiss language

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