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Hey Walter,

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Walter Borges <> wrote:

Is this test library still maintained?

Yes. I'm working from time to time on it and are currently working
towards a new release with most likely two new features.

If so, is there a way to run tests in parallel to take advantage of multi
core processors?

There is none and I'm currently not planning to add one. There are
several reasons why I think adding this feature might not be a good

1.) There is currently no platform independent thread library in the
standard library (we still use c++03)
2.) Makes your tests more complex
3.) Adds concurrency issues to your tests (especially if there are
some shared resources)
4.) Makes the execution non-deterministic
5.) Makes the cppunit code much more complex as we need to think about
which code is a shared resource

There are most likely more but that are the ones that come to my mind
right now. As Miklos already mentioned I think it is a much better
idea to split the tests into independent test cases that are executed
completely independent and in own processes if you really need the
advantages of multi-core processors.



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