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## Hey,  
I noticed you saw our offer in your email the other day, but for   
some reason you may have missed some key details... 

### [See details 
I also noticed you did NOT take advantage of it like most people do.   
I'm curious why you chose not to accept my offer...  
Can you do me a small favor? Please hit the reply button and   
tell me why you chose not to accept my offer.   
Thanks in advance for your help.  
Lior Pardo  
Your Legends Network Partner   
P.S. In case you haven't seen our offer, you can click here or on   
the link below and see it.   
It only takes a few minutes.   
 to see what we offer   
***Results not typical.   
INCOME DISCLAIMER**: Any earnings portrayed in any Legends Network website or marketing materials 
are not necessarily representative of the income that an individual Legends Network Affiliate can 
or will earn through his or her participation in the Legend Network Compensation Plan. All 
references to income are for illustrative purposes only. Your level of income will be determined by 
your effort, participation and dedication in building your own business. These figures should not 
be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits.


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