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Hi All,

Status for the last week:

* LOKit patches cleaned up/completed for integration.

* Fixed the remaining alpha channel issues (hardcoded to 0xFF) -- it turns out the svp/headless backend also does raw bitmap manipulation (and these can then be copied bit-for-bit into basebmp bitmaps if the formats "match"), so now no more

* Rebased onto the updated master with libreofficekit (branch was previously based
  on the old liblibreoffice naming -- some pain around patch changes etc.).

* Moved most of the gtktiledviewer into a GTK+ widget (LibreOfficeKitGtk +
lok_docview) -- gtktiledviewer is now a very thin wrapper around that widget.

* Fixed the "missing content" -- I discovered that the area in which text/images are rendered corresponds to what is shown in the main document window (visible
   when using the existing tiledrendering app, but hidden when using svp):
** PaintTile previously used MakeVisible(), but that only scrolls the content: if we try to paint a tile that is larger than the area in the window then
    content outside of the visible area will be missing.
** Instead we now set the tile area to be explicitly visible in the SwView. This is somewhat inelegant (and corrupts the content of the background window which is shown with the tilederendering app), but seems to work reliably (and for most
     uses of tiled rendering that window isn't wanted anyway so...).
*** (Could potentially reset the SwView area back after doing the rendering to prevent
      this? Might experiment with this this week)
** Longer term: not 100% sure what we want to do (ideally remove the whole
    concept of having to have a SalFrame associated with every document and
    decouple rendering from other assumptions etc.?).

* Tiny bit of refactoring to cleanup how we get access to tiled rendering to introduce
   a common interface which can be reused for Calc/Impress etc.

-- Andrzej


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