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On 28/04/2014 18:07, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 17/04/14 11:23, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
On The French user site i found usefull code to play video on Windows
using the API and Basic.

The code opens a MediaWindow and play any video

The player has a undocumented method "CreatePlayerWindow" who needs
arguments (a empty array do crash LO)

Do someone knows how to use this method and how Video can been played in
a Dialog ?
hi Fernand,

let's see...

bool Window::create( const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& rArguments )
     IVideoWindow* pVideoWindow = const_cast< IVideoWindow* >( mrPlayer.getVideoWindow() );
     WNDCLASS* mpWndClass = lcl_getWndClass();

     if( !mnFrameWnd && pVideoWindow && mpWndClass )
         awt::Rectangle  aRect;
         sal_IntPtr       nWnd;

         rArguments[ 0 ] >>= nWnd;
         rArguments[ 1 ] >>= aRect;

         mnParentWnd = static_cast<int>(nWnd);

so on Windows, parameters are a HWND of the parent and a rectangle...
probably the parameters are undocumented for a reason, very
system-dependent and subject to change without notice.  also i have no
idea how you can get a window's HWND from BASIC code.

Michael thakns for the hint

on the ooForum i found this code:

Dim arg(0) As Object
Dim oWindow As Object
   moSM = CreateObject("")

   moDesk = moSM2.CreateInstance("")
  oWindow = moDesk.ActiveFrame.GetContainerWindow()
    Dim tableau()
    tableau = Array()
' the 1st param is an empty array, the 2nd is an integer = 1 (may be OS dependant ?)
    mHwndOOo = oWindow.getWindowHandle(tableau, 1)

but how to make this work in a dialog ?



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