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On 04/20/2014 11:03 AM, julien2412 wrote:
I gave a try to cpplint
( with
some changes so it scan subdirectories.
Except pure formatting warnings, it reports things like this:
1) ./drawinglayer/source/primitive2d/polygonprimitive2d.cxx:274:  Consider
using rand_r(...) instead of rand(...) for improved thread safety.
(other functions quoted in the py script:
  asctime_r, ctime_r, getgrgid_r, getgrnam_r, getlogin_r, getpwnam_r,
getpwuid_r, gmtime_r, localtime_r, strtok_r, ttyname_r)

If this use of rand() is really about the function from stdlib.h (and not some other function that happens to have the same name; didn't check), one problem with the advice is that rand_r is Posix (and deprecated, at that) but not ISO C.

2) ./fpicker/source/win32/filepicker/comptr.hxx:100:  Unary operator& is
dangerous.  Do not use it.  [runtime/operator] [4]

Yeah, that one looks scary indeed.

3) ./crashrep/source/unx/main.cxx:64:  For a static/global string constant,
use a C style string instead: "static char g_strProductKey[]".

Looks like a false positive, as

  static string g_strProductKey;

is not used to hold a statically known string constant.

4) ./sd/source/ui/remotecontrol/Transmitter.cxx:10:  Streams are highly
discouraged.  [readability/streams]

Beats me what's wrong with

  #include <iostream>

in general.

5) ./sd/source/ui/remotecontrol/mDNSResponder/CommonServices.h:488:  Are you
taking an address of a cast?  This is dangerous: could be a temp var.  Take
the address before doing the cast, rather than after  [runtime/casting]

Looks like cpplint is confused here, as

  &( (const struct sockaddr_in *)( SA ) )->sin_addr

clearly needs to cast before taking the adr of pointed-to member.

6) ./include/comphelper/sequenceashashmap.hxx:81:  Single-argument
constructors should be marked explicit.  [runtime/explicit]

There can be no hard-and-fast rule for that. While some ctors probably miss an "explicit," others deliberately are not explicit.

7) ./oox/source/helper/binaryoutputstream.cxx:122:  Do not use
variable-length arrays.  Use an appropriately named ('k' followed by
CamelCase) compile-time constant for the size.  [runtime/arrays]

While the advice to not use variable-length arrays is generally sound, the suggestion is of course nonsense here (though using OUStringBuffer or std::vector<sal_Unicode> could arguably be an improvement).

There are other different types of warnings about headers/include guards but
would you have some opinion about these first?

Looks like a rather poor signal/noise ratio to me.



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