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On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 7:20 PM, John Smith <> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Markus Mohrhard
<> wrote:
I already mentioned on IRC that this means it just did not find any test
files. The connection is working otherwise the NoConnectException would
repeated. You need to make sure that you point to the correct directory
otherwise debug why the script is not finding the files in your case. It
works for me so I can't tell you what is wrong in your setup.


I think I got it. When I remove the comments before 'print(files)' and
'print( dirs )', I only see the subdirs below
/usr/local/src/libreofficedocs/, but not the files located in those
subdirs. When I copy a file directly in libreofficedocs, the script
does find it. Looks like doesnt descend into
the subdirectory's. Since
'dev-tools/test-bugzilla-files/' created this
directory structure, I assumed that would be
able to parse that.

I know next time nothing about python, but would it be possible and
reasonably easy/quick to make look in all
subdirectory's you point it at too ?

It is a feature that it does not look in sub directories. That allows me
some freedom in organizing documents and moving broken documents around
without too much work. So I would be a bit reluctant to change that
behavior as it will break the script on the server. You can just use a
script similar to the one that I posted for you that iterates over all
directories and inspects each one.



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