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On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 01:40:52PM +0100, V wrote:
I am currently interested in the "Refactor god objects" idea which
says that there are "quite a few huge god objects" and lists
sw/inc/doc.hxx as an example. Could someone point me to other god
objects so I can get a better idea of the amount of work that will
be done?

When you do a LibreOffice build, there will be dependencies generated in
workdir/Dep/CxxObject -- a good general score for "god-objectness" would be
multiplying the number of code lines of a header with how often its filename
appears in workdir/Dep. There likely will be a few false positives (like string
class headers, that are justified to be included ~everywhere), but it should
give you a starting point.




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