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Quoting <> on "Syntax error in Extension Manager when trying to update":

"The reason [for the syntax error] is that <> references a completely empty file. That URL is the value of the ExtensionUpdateURL property in the version ini file. It is used by getDefaultUpdateInfos (desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_update.cxx) to try and obtain 'backup' update information from one central place for all those extensions that fail to provide their own update information. The current <> URL is used since <> 'Switch all urls from TDF to LibreOffice.' The prior, OOo-specific URL <> still delivers a file starting with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns=""; xml:lang="en-US">
  <title>Extension Update Feed</title>
  <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>

"I have no idea who is responsible for the empty file at <>.

"I see three options to fix this:

"1 Fix the file at <> to conform to the expected syntax (even if it would not contain any true payload yet, but could do so in the future). That would fix this issue even for already released versions of LO.

"2 Give the ExtensionUpdateURL property in the version ini file an empty value. That would not fix this issue for already released versions of LO, and for future versions of LO would disable the (currently unused) feature of providing such central 'backup' extension update information (until we change the value back in a later release).

"3 Remove the (currently unused) feature of providing such central 'backup' extension update information completely from the code. That would not fix this issue for already released versions of LO.

"I favour option 1 and will see to get hold of somebody to fix the file at <>."

So, who can fix that file (or propose a better fix)?



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