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* Present
    + Norbert, Lionel, Bjoern, Stephan, Cloph, Robinson, Kohei, Miklos,
      David, Markus, Kendy, Fridrich, Caolan, Andras, Michael M, Eike,
* Completed Action Items
    + Abiword import filter:
       + "Abiword Document", poke translators (Fridrich)
       + 3x volunteers: Markus, Michael, David to review it.
    + Need-advice bits
       + " Any >>= operator and typelib_TypeClass_ENUM" (Stephan)
       + "Writer no longer uses Text and Background Colours from
          Windows High-Contrast theme for displaying document" (a11y) (Bjoern)
    + 4.2 MAB / issues
       + PDF export loosing images: fdo#72530 (Michael S)
       + a11y issue (Michael S)
    + Review patches in the queue (Andrzej)
       [ all work on master, which is where the work will happen ]
    + Buy an iPhone for testing vs. Dev. budget (Cloph)
        [ bought a nano-sim, can start testing today ]
 * Pending Action Items:
    + GSOC mentors - prune / remove already done ideas from each side (All)
    + create a general ideas page, dis-connected from GSoC (Fridrich)
    + need design for copying styles between templates (Cor Nouws/other UX?)
        [ UX hack-fest item for progress ? ]
    + look into non-functioning 'install' button in update dialog (Kendy / Andras)
        [ Kendy has security concerns around downloading & executing pieces here
          not a trivial fix. Signing / build verification discussion stalled.
          Investigation ongoing. ].
        + Online Help needs update to match current behavior (Help -> Check for Updates -> Help)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 4.1.5 RC1 status
        + announced already; RC2 scheduled for next week.
    + 4.2 RC3 status
        + mirrors prepped with all but 64bit Mac builds
           + waiting for Norbert there.
           + can be announced today.
        + any open MAB / critical issues ?
            + start on Mac?
                  [ closed - signing should be fixed now in rc3 ]
            + help-packs on Mac?
                  [ will be fixed in 4.2.1 ]
            + presenter console bustage:
                  [ Stephan fixed it - reverting an broken string change ]
* GSoC update (Fridrich)
    + will clone / clean pages just before FOSDEM
        + will submit org during hack-fest.
* Crashtest update (Markus)
    + new crash-test / data (?)
    + load stats much as before, a good number more export issues (though more docs)
        + can we diff the results vs. the last test ? (Miklos)
            + all the last reports are there from last time.
    + new Coverity reports up-loaded
        + fixed most important memory leaks & corruptions, but more to do.
        + should back-port some of these too.
    + might be good to have crashtest results in a git repo (Bjoern)
        + already proposed, ideas to Joren for scripting / generating reports,
          summary of which documents per format had issues import/export etc.
* FOSDEM (Kendy)
    + dev-room: check your and provide
      your biography/profile in the "Description" -> "Abstract"
    + Standard Hotel 'Astrid' bookings to share at:
    + Usability hack-fest 2x days after FOSDEM:
          + good to register - we have 24 people signed up so far.
* Certification update (Kendy/Bjoern/Stephan)
    + re-scan developers after FOSDEM perhaps.
* Priority Highest (Bjoern)
    + All MAB's -> Highest (Bjoern)
       + mab-not-highest :
       + highest-not-mab :
       + Sophie forwarded to french QA list for help with housekeeping
* Dip over Xmas in new contributors (Michael)
    + no-one mentoring on IRC for 2x weeks (Markus)
    + busy working with the releases (Eike)
    + seasonal cyclical phenomenon in the stats
* Summary of changes in 4.2 ...
* QA (Robinson)
    + Bugzilla Migration update
       + no update.
    + Need-advice bug list bits ?
       + need to work through & remind some CC'd devs.
* QA stats:
    +130    -90    (+40 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Foss                10
        Michael Stahl        8
        Joel Madero          7
        sophie               6
        Maxim Monastirsky    5
        Eike Rathke          5
        Kohei Yoshida        4
* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 17/70 17/65 17/59 21/58 15/45 14/38
     24%   26%   28%   36%   33%   37%
* Open 4.1 MAB
  + 34/142 36/142 33/138 32/137 32/136 29/130 29/127 28/125 28/122 28/119 27/118
     23%    25%    23%    23%    23%    22%    23%    22%    23%    24%    23%
* Open 4.0 MAB
  + 52/210 52/208 52/208 55/208 56/208 55/208 56/208 57/208 57/205 57/204
     24%    25%    25%    26%    26%    26%    27%    27%    28%    28%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 43/176 44/176 44/175 44/170 46/169 48/169 48/168 49/167 48/164
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 345(-3) bugs open of 2232(+11) total
    * ~Component   count net *
           Writer - 100 (-3)
      Spreadsheet - 47 (-1)
      Libreoffice - 33 (-1)
     Presentation - 28 (+3)
         Database - 23 (+0)
          Crashes - 21 (-3)
          Drawing - 17 (+1)
          Borders - 16 (+0)
            BASIC -  7 (+1)
        Migration -  3 (+0)
  + - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )
  + Migration:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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