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Hi Tomáš,

On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 05:32:06PM +0100, Tomáš Chvátal <> wrote:
in the process of cleaning up openSUSE spec I moved the checks properly to
%check phase but some fail to build.

Could somebody who has time and knowledge investingate those out?

How to trigger the issue:

osc co LibreOffice:Factory/libreoffice
cd LibreOffice:Factory/libreoffice
vi libreoffice.spec # uncomment here the make slowcheck line
osc build --ccache
some tests on MSXML failed
osc chroot
<hack on code directly in failed build>

Can you provide a bit more info, the workdir/CppunitTest/foo.log of the
failed test, and the exact name of it?

Also, do you have the required fonts in the chroot so that the tests can
actually pass?

for a hint.



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