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On 06/01/2014 17:53, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi julien2412,

On Saturday, 2014-01-04 03:50:19 -0800, julien2412 wrote:

Cppcheck reported this:
123     syntaxError     error   Invalid number of character (() when these macros are
defined: ''.

Indeed we have:
  123             aBodyText = "<prop>" + aBodyText + "</prop>" );

Should this part be removed or do I lack a config option to build this
specific part?
Remove the closing parenthesis please, that would never build. It's
a leftover of 89633c6da1cde46983926dcc2e0f8e08de0e9378

Thank you Eike for your feedback.
I pushed the change (see 9ca4e6e1940a22cf82cc492da6a3ce0b3d8e0e80)



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