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For some reason, not entirely clear to me, I keep seeing repeated failures in the unit test below on Linux 32bit Ubuntu 13.04 when building from master :

1.701e-05       1.701e-05
0.000550502     0.000550502
0.00519848      0.00519848
0.0262346       0.0262346
0.0763702       0.0763702
0.1156  0.1156
0.068638        0.068638
0.00827339      0.00827339
2.61726e-05     2.61726e-05
1.77685e-28     1.77685e-28
Test name: ScOpenclTest::testFinancialXirrFormula
double equality assertion failed
- Expected: 1.04286406930622e-16
- Actual  : 1.40411934087164e-17
- Delta   : 1.04286406930622e-20

Failures !!!
Run: 174   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:

export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE            # for exception catching
export CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging on linux
export CPPUNITTRACE="\"[full path to devenv.exe]\" /debugexe" # for interactive debugging in Visual Studio
export VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory checking

and retry using: make CppunitTest_sc_opencl_test

Is this supposed to happen ? I don't invoke opencl in any special way or fiddle with the build switch options related thereto in any way that appears immediately obvious.



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