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Good Morning,
Dixon Companies Inc is currently looking for expansion and we need to develop our relations. We are 
based in USA since 2004 and are cooperating with many well-knowed companies all over Globe.
We are contacting you because your profile,it seems to be interesting for us.
This first email is to establish a first contact and to make sure that you are a manufacturer or 
supplier not just an intermediate.
We would appreciate if you could describe more your business and tell us:
- Factory address
- Factory size
- Turnover
And any more information you think can be interested for us to know.
We would be glad to come visit your factory soon in the next two weeks.
If we are interested with your facilities we will, by then, offer you a first drawing of our newest 
product for quotation.
Thank you for your time.
Looking forward to your answer.
Best Regards
Mr.Walter Coolman.
420 North Front Street, Suite 200 . McHenry, Illinois 60050
Tel : 815-385-1888
Email :​


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