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Hi Pavel,

Pavel Laštovička píše v Pá 15. 11. 2013 v 18:51 +0100:

I wouldn't use it - as you can see, anything can go wrong there... But I am more 
curious why do you need to do an own swlo.dll in the first place? Cannot you just 
up-stream the functionality you need there? All the best, Kendy 

sorry I did not get to respond sooner. I am attaching my trivial change. However it 
took me long to discover what exactly to change.

Oh - the usual scenario with debugging ;-)

It fixes compatibility problem with footnotes in Microsoft Word (.doc) documents. 
Fix removes indentation between footnote number and footnote text. But, it means 
footnotes in all other documents will be displayed incorrectly. I tried to think 
about some universal solution but I have not come up with any.

I'd be most interested to see the document that triggers the wrong
behavior - is there any in the bugzilla?  Or can you please produce a
minimal one?

For the behavior that is different in LibreOffice and MSO, if there is
no possibility to make both happy, we have the concept of compatibility
options; if there is no other way, this will make it, I'm sure :-)

An example of a compatibility option:

Do you think this would help your case?



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