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Le 07/11/2013 20:20, Bryan Quigley a écrit :
Hi all,

I've been looking at the Save As formats again and have another few
changes I'd like to propose.  Like last time, these changes would be
UI only and not impact importing these file formats.

1.  Remove all of the " 1.0" file formats.   People may
think they should use this to communicate with OpenOffice users.
More importantly I don't see any use case for this file format
anymore.  Is anyone still exporting to it / or know anyone who is?
(Google,which overestimates shows filetype:sxw, 23,300.  filetype:odt,
2,610,000. )

I agree.
But, if we remove the ability to _write_ legacy OOo formats, we need to
continue to _read_ them.

We could do that in two steps, version 4.2 add "deprecated" to the
format name; version 4.3 remove the format name from the list.
And, of course, clear information in release notes.

Best regards

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.


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