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Hi All,

I'd like to take the output of impress and warp it for use in an igloo vision dome (

The way that I'd like to do this is through an osx technology known as syphon ( that allows you to share textures on the graphics card between applications. I've downloaded the sdk and it doesn't look like it will give me enough access to do this through an extension/plugin so I've now downloaded the source and have a few questions.

1) As this is an osx only technology and probably only appeals to a very limited audience is this something I should do on my own or is it something that people would like access to?

2) I've had a look through the development wiki but can't find anything (in English) mentioning how I might be able to achieve this. The closest thing I can find in the source for where I might be able to get access to the opengl texture is the drawinglayer but I couldn't see any opengl texture access here. Could someone please give me a quick overview (or point me to some documentation) of how impress draws to the screen and how best for me to get access to the texture it uses to draw things to the screen.

Thanks in advance - James


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