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* Present
    + Hangout: Michael M, Thorsten, Adam, Andras, Petr, Lionel
    + Phone:   Cloph, Stephan, Norbert, David, Robinson, Eike, Caolan,
* Completed Action Items:
    + create i18n tool to ensure style issues (also unique fn names)
      don't recur fdo#67786 (Andras)
      [ completed - around 600 bugs in calc function naming & writer styles
        mostly in ~unmaintained langs. Translators notified and fixing
        ongoing through 4.1.1... ]

* Pending Action Items:
    + roll out Easy Hack rotation, incrementally improve afterwards (Robinson)
       [ need to ping Florian to add a MediaWiki Extension ]
    + poke fdo admins for own BZ instance (Thorsten)
    + dig out the URL for GSOC travel funding (Cedric)
    + upgrade 3.6 users to 4.0.5 once that is out (Cloph)
    + switch to pure sidebar mode in master - but not enabled by
      default, except in Impress (Caolan)
    + come up with a proposal on what still needs improving in sidebar
      land (Astron)
    + suggestions for next API incompatibility release timing welcome
       [ surely we have some small incompatibility each release ? ]

* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.0.5 rc2 released as final to public 2 hours ago
    + 4.1.1 rc2 status
        + almost finished, Windows build needs up-loading
        + announce for pre-testing later today
    + no deadline next week (a small break)
    + 4.1.2 RC1 - first week of September
    + QA interested in earlier notification (Thorsten)
        + when ? (Cloph)
        + earlier the better - when each platform hits the pre-release.

* UX input (Astron)

* New commit access bits:
    + Boris Dušek - great work on Mac/a11y.

* Milan / LibreOffice Conference (Michael)
    + Paper submissions - deadline today [!]
    + process too horribly complex (Lionel)
        + try to follow the instructions; if it takes < 20mins you'll get a prize
        + really complex to do all the steps in the plone flow
        + just 1 E-mail address to submit would rock
        + check that no submissions are still drafts - change status to 'submitted'
    + Talks to submit that we're missing
        + Calc talk (Kohei)
        + Silverstripe 3 talk (Cloph)
        + release engineering overview (Cloph)
        + New tools for QA engagement (Robinson)
        + Howto get involved in QA (Robinson / Joel)
        + overview of long-term cleanups (Caolan) 1/2 talk
        + UX / design talk / plan meet-up (Mirek)
        + perhaps invite Tom Tromey for a gdb talk (Caolan)
    + Booking travel & volunteer / GSOC outreach
        + we have travel + hotel budget, please encourage people to come
        + general reimbursal story:
        + once you booked, this is how to request money:

* QA update (Robinson)

    + unconfirmed bugs mostly stable, but several triagers are off to school
        + working on recruitment, and encouragement to take more responsibility
        + reaching out to the new contributors & building relationships
    + split between triage & pre-release testing ? (Michael)
        + hard to say, some do both.
    + 5x of the 3.6 MABs still left to be migrated
        + thanks to Tommy for his work there.

        +172    -114    (+58 overall)
         many thanks to the top five bug squashers:
          James              13
          bfoman              9
          Caolán McNamara     7
          robert              6
          Michael Stahl       6

* UI re-work (Caolan)
    + bin/count-todo-dialogs - encouraging.

* Open 4.2 MAB
        + 5/6 6/6 7/7 2/2 2/2 1/1

* Open 4.1 MAB
        + 15/85 15/81 13/77 8/68 11/64 3/55 7/52 7/48 2/42 4/39 5/37 7/32
           18%   19%   17%  12%   17%   5%  14%  15%

* Open 4.0 MAB
        + 52/180 44/171 32/157 14/138 13/137 12/137 12/135 12/134 12/133 12/132
           29%    26%    20%    10%     9%     9%     9%     9%     9%     9%

* Open 3.6 MAB
        + 9/179 22/190 60/245 62/244 60/243 62/243 60/241 57/238 63/237 65/236 68/235
           5%     12%   25%    25%    25%    25%    25%    24%    27%    28%    29%

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
        + 37/137 41/137 33/128 33/125 34/124 34/123 36/122 38/119 37/114 39/114

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 331(-2) bugs open of 1893(+18) total

        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 100 (-1)
           Spreadsheet - 44 (+0)
           Libreoffice - 37 (+2)
          Presentation - 25 (-2)
               Crashes - 23 (+0)
              Database - 20 (+0)
               Drawing - 16 (+0)
               Borders - 15 (+0)
             Migration -  3 (+0)
                 BASIC -  2 (-1)
        + Migration:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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