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Hi all,

Expert Config page is now working(unstable) with an edit button as I
mentioned my last GSOC report. So I am currently chasing performance issues
on the page.

I have some questions about it.

Note: I am not good at naming things. I will call the
"org.openoffice.Office/" part as toplevel below. :)


Current situation on master:
-We are not traversing all of the settings. There are hardcoded randomly
chosen 3 toplevels which returns about 100-120(don't know how much exactly)
options. [1]
-Giving the root as only toplevel causes about 20 minutes of waiting to
page load.

Did some profiling with a few more toplevels given:
-Page load is too slow because of CuiAboutConfigTabPage::FillItems.[2]
-Figured out ListBox is the main cause of the issue.
-Thorsten sent a patch about this issue to me. It was putting toggles for
setting update mode.[3]
-I put it outside of the method on local. It improved performance. Reduced
the wait time from ~20mins to ~15sec with "/" as an only toplevel.

Traversing the options doesn't takes too much actually. Main problem is
listbox. You can make try it with clicking on header bar for changing sort
order. It is also causes same waiting time on page load.

What should I do next:
1-Put a checkbox with a warning. Like fontsubs page.
2-Don't list all returned options directly.
3-Something else?



Efe Gürkan YALAMAN


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