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On master sources updated today, cppcheck reported this:
[sw/source/core/text/frmcrsr.cxx:1123]: (style) Variable 'pLine' is assigned
a value that is never used

   1122     const sal_Unicode* pLineString =
   1123     pLine += nStt;
   1125     UErrorCode nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   1126     UBiDi* pBidi = ubidi_openSized( nLen, 0, &nError );
   1127     ubidi_setPara( pBidi, reinterpret_cast<const UChar
*>(pLineString), nLen, nDefaultDir, NULL, &nError ); // UChar != sal_Unicode
in MinGW

Searching in git history pLine gives only this:

commit 70de0c38fd177b3c95837118c5fb35e380c87e90
Author: Jens-Heiner Rechtien <>
Date:   Thu Mar 27 14:45:43 2003 +0000

    MWS_SRX644: migrate branch mws_srx644 -> HEAD

commit 75c0a101618e822dd29947b220b6b75455438ab1
Author: Andreas Martens <>
Date:   Fri Oct 20 13:51:25 2000 +0000

    New: Cursortravelling into dropcaps

Should this line just be removed or should something must be done?


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