Hi Marc,
Just did a quick check opening your file:
- With LO Version (Build ID: 400m0(Build:1)) it opens fine.
- With my not so recent dev build Version: Build ID:
37690fe74c4c585564c67c1ff7b8be353cf6803 it crashes due to a segmentation
fault (core dump file generated by my build is sadly not that verbose)
What version of LO are you using?
You might want to open a bugreport on this issue and attached the file.
It would help if you did.
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Marc Baert <marc.baert.fbmb@gmail.com>wrote:
Dear All,
I can not open the document in annexe. With openoffice I can open it.
Kind regards,
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