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On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 08:02:31PM +0800, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

I was thinking is there a way to make an offline compile? I am worry
this could be time consuming if I was almost 90% complete the
download but due to the network connection lost, I am require to
restart again.
You could download the needed files from a better connection and
sneakernet them to your home computer (on a physical media such as a
CD-ROM, a USB/flash memory "key", ...); the list of files that may be
needed to download is in file download.lst in the root of the source

Or, you could use the --with-system-libs option to, but
this requires that all this stuff is installed on the system, in the
right version, etc. Will probably be harder to achieve.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Noel Grandin <> wrote:

 No, it's more likely that your home machine does not have it's proxy
settings correct.

On 2013-07-15 13:36, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

Ya, I did a try on this morning was working fine, but when I reach home at
night, I can't connect connect anymore. Is the server went down again? Let
me try to compile tomorrow.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Noel Grandin <> wrote:

 On 2013-07-14 04:19, LOH KOK HOE wrote:

I did try to manually connect to but failed. I
then issue the make command again and this time I got timed out error as
shown below:

 It's working for me now.
Either there was a temporary failure, or you are behind a proxy and have
not configured your proxy settings on that box.



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