Hello all,
I've been working on the iOS app and I'm wondering if it's better for users
to actually see the first slide before click on the "start presentation"
Here is a screen shot of what I've implemented for now, that is, once
paired, users will be brought to this page and on the top, users can have a
quick preview (first slide for ex) of what will be displayed on the PC.
That way users are sure about what will be displayed.
[image: Images intégrées 2]
For now, the server end will not send previews until either the user hits
the start presentation button, or the PC side starts it.
Besides, we can actually start sending these previews once we are paired
can't we? At least for the first several slides, so that users don't need
to wait for the previews transmission when they start the presentation. Did
I miss something here?
Let me know what you think ;)
2013/6/16 Artur Dryomov <artur.dryomov@gmail.com>
Hi All again,
If everybody is against the more high-level version of the protocol and
you vote for the plain text one — so be it, then.
I read reviews at the Google Play page — only English and Russian ones
because we still don’t know who rules the developer account. It seems like
all features were mentioned at the wiki page. Other things are
Feel free to post messages with ideas or edit the wiki page anyway!
Siqi LIU
Étudiant Ingérieur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Vice-Président de l'association robotique UTCoupe
Responsable d'atelier de ClubChine
Tel. +33 7 61 16 95 83
email: me@siqi.fr

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