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On Thu, 2013-06-06 at 16:15 +0300, Adam Co wrote:
This lead me to think that the import process is faulted, and that:
·         When importing from DOC – the (border+border margin) are deducted from the page margin
·         When importing from DOCX – this is not deducted
This leads to the fact that when I export to DOCX than:
·         When the imported file was a DOC – the exported page margin is 1440    (110 + 1330)
·         When the imported file was a DOC – the exported page margin is 1550    (110 + 1440)

I have located an interesting code piece in the DOC importer, that
seems to deduct the '110 TWIPs' from the '1440' when importing,

So, yeah, you're probably right. IIRC when doing the .doc filter for
frames and graphics we found a lot of places where basically if there is
a thing of width/height of X and a border of Y, then writer would create
an element of size X and draw the border "inside" that space so the
whole artifact is of size X while word would put the border "outside"
that space giving an artifact of size X+Y. The page border issue is
probably very similar though I don't have any specific memory on hacking
on that part of the .doc filter.

Simply adding the logic of SetFlyBordersShadow to the DOCX importer
looks very complicated to me (requires implementing a lot of functions
from ww8, not trivial for me).

Ideally these pieces of shared logic would be factored out into a shared
place where both the .doc and .docx filter could take advantage of them.



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