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On 19/05/13 17:45, leo2013 wrote:

Win32 build configuration
          Compiler: msvc
  C-Runtime option: /MD

that is the right runtime flag

        cl.exe /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /W1 /MD /I..

used here too

        link.exe /nologo /VERSION:2.7 /LIBPATH:bin.msvc /LIBPATH:.\lib /DLL 
PLIB:bin.msvc\libxml2.lib /OUT:bin.msvc\libxml2.dll int.msvc\c14n.obj

xmlreader.obj : error LNK2001: ??????????????? __imp__vsnprintf
nanohttp.obj : error LNK2019: ??????????????? __imp__strcpy_s???รท????????

... but can't find the runtime functions when linking?

i think this should work via the LIB="$(ILIB)" in the, the MSVC link.exe should look in the paths in
the LIB variable for the msvcrt.lib... can you check in
your ILIB variable, it should contain some path where the msvcrt.lib is

if the right path is indeed there you'd need to investigate in libxml's
makefile why it doesn't work.


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